My feedback
1 result found
373 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Jenn supported this idea ·
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I would love to see this feature moved up on the wishlist. It has been a frustration since 2008 and by reading the posts it seems it is an ongoing request and frustation for many since 2009, if not longer.
Over the years, our organization has seen a decrease of online registration and an increase in snail mailed checks because of the lack of a shopping cart feature. Receiving checks in the mail defeats the purpose of maintaining a website allowing online registration and montly fees to have a PayPal account.
Event attendees are irritated with the process of having to re-register and pay for each event separately. At times they may have to repeat the process up to 5 times if they wish to register for our Annual Conference, 2 separate workshops, come to lunch, and purchase a membership. Groups attending with 8 separate people have to register and pay 40 separate times.
Guest regisitration is not helpful since our prices are member and non-member based and does not add guests as a contact. We we cannot use the add on feature for events since those fields do not feed into the event itself and our events are limited by available space. (Please correct me if I am wrong on these functions).
It would also be beneficial to organizations since fees are paid for each of these single transactions.
Thank you for considering this option as it is sorely needed.
Jennifer Taylor
Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitors Association
Website, Membership and Registration Chair