Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
jkalbhen commented
I agree! Our association would like to encourage multiple registrations so it saves admin time/cost, but there must be a way for guests to be registered as nonmembers or members. If five people are being registered, and only two are members, there is no way to charge the three nonmembers the nonmember rate and the two members the member rate, from what I can tell.
Also, ideally when the form is processed, there would be a check to ensure that if a guest is registered at the member rate they are indeed a member. And that a member registered through the multiple registration option would have a record of their registration showing up on their member record, etc.
jrodenbaugh commented
I also want to voice the need for the ability to select different registration types for guest registrations. We have events where we also offer childcare at different prices depending on the child's age. We need to be able to register 1 or more adults at the same prices and multiple children potentially all at different prices. We recently had a family register with four children all at different ages and with the current set up they had to make a separate registration/payment for each one. Quite a hassle.
It seems like this is something many have been asking for, so hopefully it is in the works.
Patricia Eggers commented
We would like more control over guest registrations also.
Specifically, there are certain events that we allow members to register a guest (for convenience of one transaction), but still require all guests be current members. Right now there is no member check available on guest registrations, we have to look each one up manually after they've registered (and often paid).
So I'd like the option of designating whether or not any guests registered have to be members.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for bringing this up. I understand your point and it sounds to me that the long-term solution for this would be to allow selecting registration type for each guest (and for admins to limit which ones are available for guests).
See this thread
Would you agree? If so, I will merge this post into existing thread.
Kristin Regan commented
I haven't found this exact issue on the forum, so I thought it best to start my own. I love the fact that there is the ability to register a guest (although I wish it was more intuitive at the bottom of the screen before the registrant confirms his own). However, that's not my real issue. Our events are luncheons, so we need to capture a meal choice (meat or vegetarian, etc.) There is no place to do this unless I check "capture all information." That's great, except when I check that button, it makes the guest price the same as the member price, which is a big problem. I created an extra field that shows up all the time to capture the guest meal preference (as well as the meal preference for a 2nd member when a member registers him/herself and his/her spouse who is also a member). Nevertheless, it is a clunky and confusing mess, but I must have the information. I don't understand why capturing all the relevant information has to change the guest price. Additionally, I would love the option to have a guest who is not a member (and pays the non-member price) or a guest who is a member (like in the above example; my inelegant fix to this is to create registration type for 2 members; more clunkiness). Would love to know how others handle this. Cheers.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for your comment, I will merge it with a related thread.
Kristin Regan commented
I love WA, but what's been driving me and our members a little batty is the lack of flexibility with regard to the event registration form and/or type. It's wonderful that our members can bring a guest, but when the guest that the member is bringing is another member who would receive member pricing, there isn't an option for that. An inelegant work-around is to create a different registration type, i.e., "2-member registration." This is clunky, to say the least, and a new field has to be created for the second member and his/her meal choice. That wouldn't be so bad, except that I can't make that field visible only to the "2-member registration" type -- it shows up for every type, which is really confusing, especially if you want to bring a guest.
What would be great is if under the guest option, there was a choice to say whether or not the guest was a member (and therefore get member pricing) or not (and get non-member pricing). If I was able to do that, I could have fewer registration types, and fewer opportunities for confusion and member complaints.
aquamindy commented
If they allowed a drop down with an extra cost field I think it would fix my problem.
aquamindy commented
That would give the correct number of attendees, but it would confuse my members as to how much they owe too much.
Ed Spader commented
I found a workaround for this, but it has an undesirable side effect.
If you put the base price as 0.00, force WA to accept only full registration data for guests, and create a mandatory check selection that covers the type of person or guest who is registering, you will achieve the desired result. However, it lists the price as being free on both the event page and the confirm page, with additional fees listed below.
If we can either get multiple registration and sub-registration types working or the ability to get rid of the "free" verbiage, we'd be all set.
georanger commented
I support this feature as well, i.e. to be able to select more than one registration type. Here's my situation: We're offering a pre-conference optional workshop. So as a registration type, I would like to have "Pre Conference Workshop" along with the other types such as a 1 day pass, 2 day pass, exhibitor, speaker, etc. and all in one place. So, most people who will want the workshop will also want to do, say, a 2 day or 1 day pass. Right now they cannot select both registration types, it's one or the other - and that's not going to work. And I prefer not to use the Extra Event feature since it places the item at the bottom of another registration page, likely to be missed by registrant.
aquamindy commented
I'm also testing out WA for my organization and I need the ability to have different types of registrations (Adult/Child/Free Child) with the ability to have a more than one of both. With the current event registration I'm not able to do this.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Now that we have the ability to register multiple people in one transaction, it sounds that the only thing is missing from what you described is ability to select different registration types for each registrant, correct? (currently all guests would have to use the same registration type)
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
Guests can only be signed up under the same registration type as the main registrantDesired:
The ability for a guest to have their own registration type. There are cases where, for one reason or another, such as selection fields, where an organization would want each person attending the event to have their own registration type.Each one would have to be itemized on the invoice.
When setting up guest registrations there should be a list of applicable registration types for the guests to be registered under, similar to how we set up membership levels that are available for upgrade.
Mike Ranger commented
I agree. Although we are just getting started with WA, this is one capability we need. We have event where the member is charge a basic registration fee; but guests are free. However, we have several additional sub-events (activities) [set up as additional charges] that require the member and guest to fully register in the system. The work around is to make the registration FREE and add that as an additions charge. On the guest it is left unchecked. Two issues; "members don’t read" carefully and "check" the guest; thus an accounting error; and the Event says "FREE" which it really is not. I like the way the registration works; but none of the setup choices offer this requirement. Thanks, Mike
Scott Denkers commented
Hi - I'd like to request the addition of Wild Apricot functionality to allow registrants to sign up "guests" at several different fee levels in one transaction. For example: For a family, a dad signs up for $50, his spouse gets a reduced rate at $30 and the kids go for $10 each. If dad could could do this in one credit card transaction, he'd be much happier and it would help us track the family as a unit. Thanks, Scott
Dmitry Buterin commented
In version 3.3 we are releasing the ability to register multiple people in one transaction. I think it addresses the original request to a large degree. The initial suggestion is still interesting though.
alobartn commented
I love the checkbox idea. Thanks for suggesting!
Kristin Regan commented
I may be looking in the wrong place and may find my answer elsewhere, but before I leave this thread and can never find it again, I would like to request and easier way to register tables (kind of like teams). I'm trying to find a way to do this that make sense, but I'm having a hard time.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Part of the suggestions will be included into redesign of events registrations