Redesign of event registrations
We are working on a wide-ranging redesign of event registration which would address many requests listed in other threads:
We will post more information as it comes, as you may notice we have quite a bunch of changes.
We will be also posting design mockups here.

Sorry, guys – this is too broad of a topic and we cannot really address it in a way it was formed (by me! in 2011!). We have a number of separate event ideas that cover a number of things mentioned here.
I’m closing it – feel free to add new suggestions if you believe something is not already in the Events Wishlist already.
Thank you for your feedback, Walt.
We've discussed your proposal regarding renaming [OK] [Cancel]. We completely agree current dialog is quite confusing.
Unfortunately we can't quickly fix buttons text because we use standard browser dialog here.
What do you think if we just change text in dialog instead? From:
> Are you sure you want to cancel and discard this registration? All registration data will be deleted.
> Proceed with discarding the registration? All registration data will be deleted.
> [OK] [Cancel]Yuri
PS: We may want to remove confirmation dialog at all by implementing Undo functionality in future
Thank, Walt (again). As we’re catching up with our internal company reorganization (see more details on this here, merging ideas is a little bit on hold for now. Still, we’re looking into all comments
Walt Bilofsky commented
There are so many event registration threads, I don't know the right place to post this. (Can someone consolidate?) And I sure don't want to start a new one. :) So I'll give it a try here.
On the first event registration page, email address entry, clicking the Cancel button brings up a box that offers these choices:
Are you sure you want to cancel and discard this registration? All registration data will be deleted.
[OK] [Cancel]
If you click OK it cancels. If you click Cancel it cancels the cancel.
I suggest the buttons be changed to:
[Yes, cancel] [No]
Walt Bilofsky commented
The design links at the bottom are no longer working. I hope this thread is still alive and that this is the appropriate place to post this.
In specifying the number of guests, "Additional guests" is not a great term. In our club, "guests" means non-members. And members who are a couple don't think of one of them as a guest. Usually members are reserving a party of four, say, not themselves and three guests.
It would be better to have the option to specify "Total number in party" which would include the member making the reservation.
Because the WA system for reserving is restrictive, we usually ignore it and use Extra Charge Calculations instead. So for example we have "Number of adults" and "Number of children" as extra charge calculations on the reg form. This allows us to set a different price for adults, children, members or non-members, different entrees, or whatever.
You could take advantage of this approach by creating another class of registration form field called Attendees, implemented the same way as Extra Charge Calculation but the numbers in these fields would also be treated as attendees for the purpose of calculating registration limits, registration reports, etc. That would provide needed flexibility while keeping existing registration features available.
Bob Schilmoeller commented
Agree these are important, Rob and Tony's ideas especially.
Rob commented
It would be nice to have the option to not send out an acceptance email until we have had time to review the application for the event. As our major event (car show) is free to enter, the system automatically sends out an acceptance upon completion of the form. We need to verify that they have entered the correct class and that their entry is suitable to our show.
- commented
I am a new Wild Apricot user, having transitioned over from Avectra at the end of May. I like the user interface and ease of navigational much better, but the event registration process is lacking. We need to push forward with your plans to complete the redesign outlined here, most importantly the ability for one member to register/pay for other member who are already in the database. It does not help us to register them as guests as they are then not included in further email communications specific to the event, not included in the on-line registration list and there attendance is not recorded in their individual record.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
It will be some day, just postponed for now.
Kristin Regan commented
This is a bit old, but will there actually be an event registration workflow redesign? We still have the issue, as do many others, of wanting to add a "guest" who is actually another member. Our member price is less than our guest price. For example, we have many couples who are members, but they would each have to register and pay separately, which is really an inconvenience. I created a work-around by creating a "2-member" registration, but that is becoming increasingly unsatisfactory as we get more couples signing up together. The "2-member" registration is still only counted as one in the system, and I have to manually extract the other member to get an accurate count for an event.
My suggestion, for what it's worth, would be that when a person goes to "Add Guest," they are asked the question "Is your guest a member or non-member?" If they check member, then they are taken to a list of members from which they can select the member and are charged the member price. If not, then they do what they already do now. Make sense.
Looking forward to future upgrades. Keep up the good work!
Kristin Regan commented
This is a bit old, but will there actually be an event registration workflow redesign? We still have the issue, as do many others, of wanting to add a "guest" who is actually another member. Our member price is less than our guest price. For example, we have many couples who are members, but they would each have to register and pay separately, which is really an inconvenience. I created a work-around by creating a "2-member" registration, but that is becoming increasingly unsatisfactory as we get more couples signing up together. The "2-member" registration is still only counted as one in the system, and I have to manually extract the other member to get an accurate count for an event.
My suggestion, for what it's worth, would be that when a person goes to "Add Guest," they are asked the question "Is your guest a member or non-member?" If they check member, then they are taken to a list of members from which they can select the member and are charged the member price. If not, then they do what they already do now. Make sense.
Looking forward to future upgrades. Keep up the good work!
jessica commented
Could you also PLEASE add the TIME the event emails should be sent - even 'morning', 'afternoon' or 'evening' if specific times are difficult. It makes no sense that they are mailed at the same time of day as the event starts. Many organizations schedule evening meetings and having the announcement go out in the evening means the recipient doesn't see it until the next day - if at all since they will be buried in a stack of other emails that came in overnight.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We have postponed analysis of this redesign for a while - we have a bunch of other things to do. We will try to address part of these problems in a more simple way.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This was not intended to be a part of the phase 1 scope. For now you can use registration types that are limited by code.
Rick Kerner commented
For consistency, can you make Discount Coupons for Events, just like you have for Membership?
Rick -
Richard Wells commented
This is a great list of features. Some suggestions for us would include:
Registration confirmation email listing listing specific registration vice general. Currently the email says you registered for the quarterly meeting. In actuality you registered for committee meetings #1, #5, and #7. Or for a golf function with an AM and PM flight, the email says you are registered but does not specify AM or PM
The payment invoice uses computer math i.e. guest 0, guest 1, guest 2, Could the first guest be 1 vice zero? Or better yet, how about just the guest name without any number?
Event administrators and routing emails to them is very important so that when a member hits the reply button on an email it goes to the correct person directly.
I hope the one registration per person/email is to be an option vice fixed rule?
Richard Wells
Robbi commented
Some issues that are critical for us and that have been addressed elsewhere are:
* specifying or limiting PAYMENT TYPES (i.e. manual vs. on-line) by registration type (specifically member and non-member, but would be good if it were customizable beyond that in case of exceptions).
* the ability to include taxes on registration amounts and the ability for a registrant to select a tax exempt option, providing proof of exempt eligibility.I did not see these mentioned in the above listing, and hope that they are under consideration. The threads discussing these specific items are populated with strong support. Although they are not exclusively event-specific issues, they directly and severely impact the event module.Thanks for your hard work!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Teri - not clear yet, but not in 2011
Dustin Telford commented
When will the event registration update take place. Many organization in our field are considering moving to a more effective membership management solution because registrations, calendars, and integration with Facebook Connect are not yet available.
Teri commented
That would work since the problem for us was when a member mistakenly thought that the profile was being updated, when just the event registration was affected.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for warm words :)
1) Current approach we think of is quite opposite - we want to remove contact fields from event registration form. When registering, system just asks for emails and if it's found in database it does not ask for contact fields at all. If the email is same as current logged in member, there will special link to Update profile. If the email is different from current user or user is not logged in at all, we do not allow to change the fields at all (this is responsibility of the email's owner to update his profile). For emails that are not in database yet, there will be presented contact fields to fill in.
2) Yes, we will provide special links/buttons helping to update membership during event registration.