Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Alan B commented
My club has many fishing trips and these fishing trips last many days. The club requires a member to register and pay for the trip which at a minimum would cover the cost of nightly accommodation. In general, we provide members flexibility and allow them to come for as many days as they want. By way of example, if the trip was six days, then a member could book and pay one, two, etc days. Each day can be configured to limit the number of members who can register for the day. This functionality is not provided in Wild Apricot.
We currently use an online ticketing system (OTS) to achieve this and would like to see the functionality provided Wild Apricot so that we can keep all our events within Wild Apricot.
Chris Alcott commented
There should be a registration type that is "Party of X". When registering for an event, we allow a single person to register for everyone in their family. Right now, the only way to do this is through the "Guests" feature. These people aren't really "guests" and it confuses our members. A more preferable way to do this would be to register a "Party of" with a number input. Whatever number is entered would count against the event limit.
Walt Bilofsky commented
We avoid the strait-jacket of WA's registration system whenever possible by creating zero cost events with an additional cost item for number of guests in the party, or for meal choices.
Only when we need to use features like attendance limits do we put our members through registering for themselves and "guests", which is usually their spouse, and then we have to explain carefully that this is "additional guests."
We're lucky that we're a small organization with relatively uncomplicated events. I feel for groups who have to wrestle WA's registration system into working for anything more complex.
Even a simple thing like allowing a zero cost "extra cost item" would help us win some of those wrestling matches. Why can't that get done?
Inanna commented
I agree with many of the comments below - not being able to register multiple people for a single event and not being able to generate a consolidated invoice for multiple registrations is a major weakness of the Wild Apricot system. I have been receiving almost daily questions about why this function is not available since we sent out our first annual dues reminder following the switch to Wild Apriot. Individual-only registration and invoicing is hugely inconvenient for the staff of organizations with multiple memberships to renew or multiple event registrations to complete.
Sue Kennedy commented
We need people to be able to buy more than one ticket at a time without registering more than once.
Rick Rogers, ISAP, ASA, SWCA commented
I suggest a shopping cart pattern, as most users are familiar with this approach through shopping sites. Allow people to add event registrations to their cart until they are ready to check out / pay. Ideally, allow multiple registrations in some events and single registrations in others.Ideally, allow all registrant information (the registering individual as well as guests they are also registering) to be retained and reused, at least in the current session, to reduce the amount of retyping in separate events by the registering individual.Ideally allow registrations in bundles of events as well as individual events to ensure that capacity can be managed at the event level (lowest) while still allowing one registrant to register in an event via one bundle and another to register in the same event but via a different bundle. Cancellation of a bundled registration, if allowed by the administrator would need to cancel individual event registrations as well to maintain capacity counts.
Having an option for a bundled package to automatically include a certain number of tickets to better account for ticket sales when there is a limit. For instance, if a sponsorship includes 10 tickets, it should automatically account for 10 tickets taken out of the total available.
Rob Fiehn commented
This should be absolutely basic functionality in the system. We run 50+ events a year - if a member wants to book multiple events in one session they have to book event one, go through the entire payment process; book event two go through the entire event process; book event three... and so on and so on.
It is getting to the stage where the lack of this means we will be evaluating other suppliers as it is the most frequent complaint from our members.
Chris Hazen commented
Yes this would be a great feature!
Lawrie Anness commented
Yes, would like to see an option for a "Bundle" registration, which showed how many persons were included.
Emily Gingras commented
Allow multiple registration types for one person to register for
Anonymous commented
This needs to be fixed. I recently switched to WA. At this time in our registration process in previous years we would have had many registrations for pre-/post-conference workshops. None this year, presumable because people do not like having to register multiple times rather than just adding additional items to their cart.
Karen Gottlieb commented
We run an annual 3-day conference with an optional FREE pre-conference workshop day. Currently, we have to set this up as 2 separate events to be able to run registration reports. It would be great to have the ability within an event to add tickets for receptions, workshops, etc. that are free, and to be able to run reports on headcounts for each ticketed item. We need to know numbers for room capacity and food/beverage guarantees but the only way to have a free item is to set it up as a custom yes/no field in the events module - and that does not allow multiple tickets (i.e. for a speaker who is also bringing his/her spouse to a free evening reception).
Jenn Etheridge commented
this is a huge issue that I am currently having, and I can't believe it isn't something that is already fixed -- I have an event with a family pass, plus an add-on adult ticket option. I need people to be able to buy the family pass plus multiple add-on adults tickets and it is incredibly clunky right now!
Andrew Steele commented
We still need a way to register multiple people with multiple different ticket types on the same order. The "guest" registration options are insufficient.
Cherie Hime commented
Invoice for events should be able to include multiple Registration types on 1 Invoice, not 4 separate Invoices.
Amanda Sage commented
Nudge. Nudge. Nudge. We're getting more people registering for our events each week (which is great!) but with more people comes more issues with this.
Richard Graeter commented
Event registration is clunky and inflexible. Typically, a single member is registering and paying for all family members. The current set up requires a registrant to add guests in addition to themselves. This confuses many of our (older) members. They add a guest, which then shows “1 Guest” which they mistake to think that they only registered for one person. A better solution would be to simply allow a member to register for the total number of tickets they wish to purchase, including themselves, on one line.
Another issue is that many of our family events have a lower price for kids. We need a registration form that lets a single member register for multiple adults at one price, then one or more kids at a lower price. The current system allows registration for multiple guests a special guest price, but only one person at the regular price. This requires a member to log in and register more than once to pay for both mom and dad, which is a major pain point.
Tara commented
I think you could customize the Registration Form by adding a "Multiple choice with extra charge" field to accomplish this.
Linda Nease commented
On the Event registrations, I would like to request that a person be allowed to pick more than one category at a time, or make it so there is an "add-on" category. We have an optional institute available each year for the day before the conference. But those same people are required to register for the actual conference also. This year we are having them go in and register twice - once for the conference and once for the "add-on" day. Would be nice if they could do it all at once.