Scheduled E-mail Blasts
Current features:
Emails need to be sent manually or scheduled with events reminders or membership renewal notifications.
Desired feature:
Have the ability to schedule any email to be sent a specific time.

Hello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that the scheduling feature is now ready for your use!
In this thread there are several suggestions related to this feature. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not. Let’s jump into it.
What is covered:
- Set up an email in advance to go to X list (or single member) on X date at X time
What is partially covered:
- Scheduling a blast after an event has occurred
Simply schedule a manual email blast to the saved list of an event’s attendees after the day of the meeting
- See the schedule of outgoing emails
Emails tab (former Drafts) now has a new filter. If you sort the list to view scheduled emails only, then you’ll see them arranged by the delivery date&time. Thus you can check the order of scheduled emails
What is not yet covered:
- Auto Repeating emails
- Timezone selection (there is a workaround though – check the video below)
What is related to events:
(Some of the suggestions are actually about events announcements and that is a whole another story. No worries, we have them saved)
- schedule more eblasts per event. Three is often not enough
- if an event is duplicated – duplicate the group (of recipients) also
- schedule a blast after an event has occurred (ex. feedback collection)
- SEE the schedule of all the announcements
- send to a segments of a list (e.g, members vs. non-members, vs former members), either to vary the message, or for segmented tracking, or both
- Choose time of the day
- Button Send now should cancel Scheduled message delivery + add a confirmation dialogue
Check this short video about the new email blasts scheduling feature workflow – (2 min)
We hope you’ll like it. Please leave your comments below.
Thank you for your patience!
Have a great day!
WA Emailing Development Crew
melrizzuto commented
This would be SO much better! I look forward to this feature because I hate having to manually send out email blasts.
teddielinder commented
Seems like there are lots of good comments here, and I'll add my two cents. WA is marketing as a complete membership management tool set and this is a common tool that is absent. I also use mail chimp and the email scheduling is a critical component of being able to manage communications. Please add this functionality!
Adrian Wright commented
I agree with everyone here - this is a valuable and much needed option for sending out email blasts, very much lacking and surprisingly absent. It''s concerning to see that this was first asked for well over a year ago, echoed by many, but still hasn't been incorporated. I've got 2 vacations lined up (one short, one long), during which I will need to take time out, get Internet access, and manually send out scheduled emails. Not happy.
d.pohli commented
I agree! This feature would be very helpful and probably fairly easy to accomplish on W.A's side.
Bridget Brooks commented
Yes, please!!
Derrick and Tiffany Stowell commented
This would be a very helpful feature for managing email campaigns.
Anonymous commented
Ability to schedule email to participants after event
Jack Mackenzie commented
allow me to build email blasts and pre set distribution so I can go on vacation
va apra webmaster commented
much needed.
[Deleted User] commented
Can't you just create an event call email blast and only let the Admins see it and set an automatic email reminder to go out when you want it to go out
Talya George commented
It would be nice if we could schedule when we'd like to send a blast email to our membership. For example, we can draft a message at 4:00pm on a Monday afternoon and schedule it to send at 8:00am on Tuesday.
Anonymous commented
Improved ability to make web content appear or bulk email go out at a certain future time, or only when we decide it is ready. It works, to build or in our case to update, a web page and making the previous version active until activating the new one works, but it is cumbersome. And if I see correctly, it creates a window, even if of just a minute, when the new version is live prematurely.
Carol commented
This is a must-have. When our ED is on vacation, we can't expect her to take time away from her family just to send out emails to our members. With it, she could schedule all the emails ahead of time, schedule when they'll go out, and leave on vacation with her work done.
Jack Pyle commented
This is a must have feature, no doubt about it.
Andrew Steele commented
@Evgeny: That's disappointing. I hope this gets added to the queue soon. Thank you for your response!
@Liz: no, it's not part of the July release. As soon as we start working on it, the status of this idea will change to "Developing"
This is a high-priority feature but we never promise specific release dates: they change all the time and depend on so many internal factors that we cannot really control or predict.
Andrew Steele commented
The ability to schedule emails is very important and is a very common feature among other email services, e.g. Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc. Will this feature be included in the vague roadmap bullet, "Updates for email composing (newsletters)," slated for July 2016?
Anonymous commented
If Wild Apricot does not add the ability to pre-schedule emails, I will likely switch my provider. Please tell us when you will impliment this feature.
Luxshanaa Sebarajah commented
This is an important feature to have! It's inconvenient not to be bale to schedule emails, we have a staff member send the email on Saturday mornings but used to just schedule it with Constant Contacts.