Recurring donations
Current behavior:
Wild Apricot only supports one-time donations.
Use Membership application form since it is possible to setup a membership level like 'regular donor' with automatic recurring payments.
Desired behavior:
Support recurring donations directly.
Recurring donations finally went live – for all clients using Wild Apricot Payments.
Enable feature in donations settings and start collecting dues automatically!
You can read more on how to work with it in our help article here:
Feel free to share any feedback
Dmitry Buterin commented
As we ended up with a much bigger overhaul when implementing the new financial management system, we had to postpone this feature and it will not be implemented within 2010. leaving it on the roadmap for now, though we might push it back onto the wishlist as it does not seem to be very popular.
Kyle Mitchell commented
I would really love to see this added in the next release when the financial management system is overhauled.
The suggested work-around really doesn't work for us either simply because we do not want to limit people in their ability to select the amount of their recurring donation - which we would have to if we fake a monthly donor or annual donor as a specific membership level.
And yes not to mention that we would have a ton of extra membership levels ($50, 75$, $100, $500, etc). We are primarily concerned with this scenario - someone is prepared to do $60 a year but because we listed only $50 (and $75 is too much) we lose out on that extra $15 per month.
May not make sense to some, but for me I'd be able to get around this by having a flexible membership price. So I could just have them "join" the monthly donor level and they pick the price they'd like to pay.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
This feature is on out Top 50 list for 2010. That means we plan to start development on it within the next 12 months.
As always, this forum will be used to collect ideas and suggestions from you on what would make this the most useful, as well as to let you know when we have a solution designed and when we plan to release it.
Allan Leonard commented
Yes, I need to be able to set up supporters who pay by donation (as distinct from/in addition to a membership subscriber), on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.
In the UK, Direct Debits are a popular form of making automatic payments. The amounts and payment period will vary; thus not practical to set up a myriad of "memberships" to cover this. (While we can suggest a donation amount, we can't dictate it; some will reply with their own desired amount, which we are of course happy to accept.)
What I would like is a simple add-on feature to the manual entry donation page, to make it "one-off" or "recurring", and if recurring, to enter an expiration date. Then, we could use that donation expiration date to generate autoresponders just as with the membership expiry date field.
Dmitry Buterin commented
A workaround is possible now - use membership application form for that, create a level like 'Supporter - monthly donations'
We do plan to add it in a more straightforward way to the donations form.
BernadetteMW commented
It would be great if people could sign up to give monthly recurring donations via the Online Donation form on the website. Any chance of that being available in the near future?