Document Library Gadget
Our community organization maintains a lot of short legal PDF documents for reference by our members. The current website we use has a document library function which makes it easy to load a lot of documents into a web page. This page then lists their titles, when they were added, how many hits each document has had over time, etc. You can also sort and resort the documents by clicking on the various column headings.
Right now, we have to manually insert details about each document into a static HTML table. Keeping the documents properly sorted is also difficult. If WA were to offer this type of Functional Page, the folks responsible for maintaining the document library would be much more enthusiatic about the migration. Thanks!

No progress
tpoynton commented
Would love to have the ability to have a functional page that lists all files in a folder and provides links to them.
Armelle Loghmanian commented
[quote user="wooby"]
It'd be great if Wild Apricot came with an online storage/virtual drive so that members of an organization could store and collaborate on documents not necessarily posted to the site itself. It'd just make it more of a one-stop convenient site.
They could warehouse organization photos of people, events, etc., as well as logos and other graphics, to use in various newsletters, reports and other publications from different members/chapters.
Common word, spreadsheet and database files could be housed and maintainted--keeping accurate records of the last person to modify them, the draft/revision number, etc.
Such a location could also store commonly distributed/referenced documents such as brochures, policy manuals, etc.
Fully agree with the above. I am looking for the same kind of feature! If we talk collaboration, it will be nice also to include a organization calendar/tasks list each administrator can read/update
wooby commented
It'd be great if Wild Apricot came with an online storage/virtual drive so that members of an organization could store and collaborate on documents not necessarily posted to the site itself. It'd just make it more of a one-stop convenient site.
They could warehouse organization photos of people, events, etc., as well as logos and other graphics, to use in various newsletters, reports and other publications from different members/chapters.
Common word, spreadsheet and database files could be housed and maintainted--keeping accurate records of the last person to modify them, the draft/revision number, etc.
Such a location could also store commonly distributed/referenced documents such as brochures, policy manuals, etc.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Good scenario example from another client:
"Currently, for a group that wants to share a number of files, it is a multi-step process to upload and share. It would be great if there was some kind of bulk/multi upload, but even more important would be that after you've uploaded the files if there could be a way to create a page or widget within a page or event that just listed the files for download. Right now, for example, if I wanted to upload a bunch of documents relating to a specific board meeting, or all board agendas and minutes for 2010, I need to upload each file and create links to the files one at a time. Much better if I could just upload all the files to one folder at once, and then display a widget which lists all files in that folder for download."
Dmitry Buterin commented
It is on our roadmap, though it has not been scheduled yet into a particular release. (I mean the overall ability to protect attachments, not this thread)
MichelleH commented
I need to house a libary of password protected articles (pdfs) and wondering where this was left. Is there any plan to develop it?
Moxie commented
YES! We would also benefit from this option.
Is there a plan for a new functional page?
gypse commented
. . . here's the other post I was looking for - looks like it ties in with
Connie Clem commented
Our organization members have also questioned the privacy of some documents. Controlling file access by public / member / officer would be useful.
gypse commented
Yes - that they are basically treated like a page in the system, with the same password access
Dmitry Buterin commented
I am trying to understand the gist of what you are saying and it looks like what you really need is ability to assign restriction rights to documents, just like we currently have for site sections/pages. Am I correct?
gypse commented
Good reminder that just because these docs are accessed by a link on the members only page doesn't mean they are passworded. I really hadn't thought of that. I was about to load some "sensitive" data so someone other than me would have access if something happens to me. I guess I'll just have to stick to emailing updated copies periodically to my backups.
We are a 100% virtual organization. I definitely like to see .pdf's of all legal docs, etc stored on the system, so that if something happens to the member that has them in their possession (like hurricanes), we retain a copy. I'm not too upset if a .pdf url to one of the legal docs leaks out, but I didn't realized it wasn't secure.
For the more sensitive data, I'll have to test the system more and make sure I've got an area that only certain people can see, then I hope I can type in on a WA passworded page to put copies of info that the group needs if I should disappear on them.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting - I think we will see good interest in this from other clients.
One challenge is access restriction. Right now all files are posted into a common storage and are publicly accessible via a direct link. This would have to be changed - and it is quite a bit fo work.
Gary Mooney commented
An events calendar functional page provides a listing of all events and
links to eachCould you provide a documents archive functional page that provides a list
of all documents uploaded to the site and links to each?With such a page, there should be a choice between public availability and
restricted access.I know that offers an alternative, but it would be nice to have the
equivalent capability within WA. -
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, I have added this to our queue of future enhancements.