Document Library Gadget
Our community organization maintains a lot of short legal PDF documents for reference by our members. The current website we use has a document library function which makes it easy to load a lot of documents into a web page. This page then lists their titles, when they were added, how many hits each document has had over time, etc. You can also sort and resort the documents by clicking on the various column headings.
Right now, we have to manually insert details about each document into a static HTML table. Keeping the documents properly sorted is also difficult. If WA were to offer this type of Functional Page, the folks responsible for maintaining the document library would be much more enthusiatic about the migration. Thanks!

No progress
Anonymous commented
I'll add my vote to this one. A page with links to the file system is fine when the list of files is small but when it grows, you want to have some kind of repository of keywords associated with each file that can be searched. The current database system could be expanded to allow custom databases/tables that could be loaded and searched independently from members. The search and front-end interfaces could still be left up to the developer to create although an API would be a "nice-to-have" addon.
Anonymous commented
Badly needed.
I have several thousand PDF's / documents that need to be searchable by members (Subscribers).
Could you implement the likes of Google Customer Search Engine , in the intrim, until Wild Apricot creates its own internal search engine for PDF's.?
As per other messages, until this is implemented, Wild Apricot should warn users that the search function will not find content in PDF / documents on the site.
David Shahinian commented
Seems WA has been thinking about adding this gadget for almost 3 years. I am relatively new with WA, our club is gradually adopting more of the functionality.
We recently had our coaching development team reqeust the ability to have a page where they can place documents, so that our coaches can download the files.
ie. a Document Library.
Seems like a good piece of functionality, and relatively easy to implement.
The alternative for me right now is to go our and find some custom script to allow me to do this.
The premium we may to have an off the shelf application, you think by now we woudl have a simple document libarary gadget.
Having reviewed the comments (53) this seems like a reasonably worthwhile enhancement.
WA can you advise the status of this request, is it on your roadmap.
Lisa M commented
Any updates? We just went live with our site and our subgroup moderators are desperate for this.
NAAAP commented
Create a dynamic file gadget that pulls up a list of files from server based on paramters such as folder, filename, modified date, etc.
One of our committees has a monthly meeting and I would like to use Wild Apricot to pull a list of documents in a folder or with a particular filename or within a date range. Likened to dynamic web parts in SharePoint.
Anonymous commented
I would like our board members to be able to link to a folder of files I have uploaded instead of just one file.
For now I will have to route them to google drive or freedcamp to hold the folders and files but it would be nice to have everything in one software package.
Valerie Davis commented
I would like to see a repository for "group" documents/files (i.e., .pptx, .pdf, etc.)
[Deleted User] commented
We have the same problem with our Secretary and Newsletter editor. These are the only 2 Admins that have to share lots of files with the Membership. If an entire folder of files could be shared on a webpage then they would no longer need to go add the most recently file to a list of files on a webpage. The shared folder from the webpage would automatically have a link to that file. If an entire folder could be shared we would still be able to limit the level of access to the files by the webpage itself with the restricted access limitations.
Not sure I understand, can you please elaborate?
Anonymous commented
Hopefully this will be coming soon... we badly need ability to easily post meeting Minutes to our members!
Thank you for working on this!
Anonymous commented
We need ability to create a link on a web page to a File Folder. This was the group secretary can upload files into that folder, without anyone needing to edit a web page.
Richard Burrows commented
Please make it possible to submitt /add, document/table into a portion of an existing web page.
I continually update some of my members donation balances, and have to completely redo the entire page to update the information each month. I have not found any type of information in the "HELP" setion that woould allow me to do this. -
Doug ARMSTRONG commented
I would love to see a system that works like the events system. For example we have a board meeting and the minutes need to be posted. These should be added using a library manager similar to how events work. The most recent document (or x documents) is(are) displayed in full, the older documents are shown as a list of links, thumbnails etc.
This would be a cool way to store all types of reference material on the site. Also keeps admin from folks from messing with the look and feel of the site.
Charles commented
I am adding to this request discussion.
Our organization also has need for a dynamically populated webpages containing a sortable/searchable lists of links to resource documents (PDFs) or images. And yes, additional metadata about the document/image and accesses to it would be desirable.
We have a continually growing list of PDF resource documents and images that we want to make available to members-only to click and read or download.
I understand that existing off-the-shelf scripts with similar functionality entail server-side operations and entail unacceptable risks.
Might WA programmers implement a gadget that restricts such search-and-list activities to a limited set of safe target folders and restricted file types?
Tom Scott commented
This feature is one of the major functions our members rely on. We need the following functionality:
1 - Files are organized by directories (ideally like the existing Files widget)
2 - Members can view, upload and download
3 - Permissions setting for directories and files -
Sorry, we do not provide estimates. We tried for some time in the past, we realized that there are too many unknowns and we cannot predict our development to keep up with out promises, so we decided against estimates.
Scott Gratsinger commented
When will this gadget be rolled out?
Anonymous commented
We really need a library in the members section where articles are sorted by topic and or date and can be sorted in a way convenient to members browsing. This is a crucial feature for us.
Sharon Hoiland commented
This is a great start! I especially like that ability to allow members to upload as well. Can't wait until this is available.
Hard to tell from the design, will the info of the member that uploaded the file be kept and displayed?
As mentioned by others some sort of meta data (title, description, category, keywords, etc) per file and search capability of that meta data would make this much more useful. Usually the file name is not enough to really identify what a file contains.
Amy Van Bergen commented
The only thing I would add is a way to categorize the library. We have moved our document library to Caspio at the nonprofit rate of about $65 a month. We'd love to get it into WA, but we need a search feature and a category feature.