Members to be able to submit events
Current situation:
Not supported, only administrators can create events.
Members have the ability to submit simple events which can be approved by administrators.

Even though it is not a direct implementation, I hope this could be helpful:
We just launched integration with Integromat platform, which helps to build automated workflows. We also provide several templates for quick start, and one of them allows to copy google calendar events into WA events. So if you share a google calendar for events submission, then the scenario could copy submitted events into your Wild Apricot account.
You can try this integration by this link
Sarah Bateman commented
Any update as to a timeline for members to post events?
Not yet, but we are actively working on our roadmap. So as soon as we do have a firm timeline for this and other features, an updated will be posted here.
Sacramento Valley-Bears commented
So, Is there a timeline for this? My people are clamoring to be able to submit their events to our organizations calendar...
Rick Smith commented
Perfect. We are getting ready to move our main site to WA. We have multiple senior centers that have calendars of activities. We use caledarwiz now but the interface to the site is pretty basic.
Wa calendars are perfect but the administrator of each site needs to be able to maintain thier own calendar. We also then could add on line registration for center events.
This proposal would work will. When will it be ready?
Monroe, thanks for the comment. From my perspective, this is something to be analyzed and designed together with the post I merged yours into - allow members to submit their own events. I understand there is a difference between your idea and this one, but they are very connected by meaning and should be analyzed together.
Monroe Mann commented
While I hate Meetup, they do have one thing going for them: they allow the event creator to designate an event host from the membership roster. This event host is listed as the first person attending the event (so there is never an 'empty' event listed). This host then has the ability to interact with that particular event, and this person becomes the contact person for the event.
Usually, I would choose myself as the host, and I'd choose a member as the event co-host. When I had many different events, it made my life a lot easier.
The only way to do this now is to manually add someone to the event, and manually write that this person is the event host in the event details. But members should, at a glance, be able to know who the event host is. And it should be a lot easier for admin's to designate this host.
Chris commented
When is this going to be available? It is badly needed in my organization.
Schneibs commented
Allow members & non-members to submit events, and offer workflow for Event Manager or Admin to approve/post for public viewing.
br commented
Is this close to being implemented?
My members are getting anxious for this. I see this was first brought up in 2008.
Scot McConnachie commented
Automatically assigning tags is a very good addition as administrators can do a lot with simple tag assignments. However I do think that you need more data entry validation on the member event submission forms:
1) I would look at allowing administrators to define fields associated with events, just as you do with contacts/members. Similarly I would allow a pop-up lists/check boxes, etc. to be set up for these fields.
2) Similarly I would allow for pop-up lists/checkboxes that would map directly to preset tags. I would do this particularly if your reject my proposal 1) above. At least the existing tag field could be used to hold a significant amount of information.
3) More importantly I suggest allowing administrators to restrict the dates and times on the calendar UI itself to one or more sets of date and times with each set of dates and times being associated with a unique tag as defined by an administrator.
Our conference hosts 400 event sessions in three days. Each event happens in one of five departments and all events use a cross-convention time block system to regularize how our members schedule their activities. Each time block and department has a program code.
It's too bad that you are delaying the approval workflow but this is still tremendous progress!
Anonymous commented
When are you planning to implement this? LOVE the ability for members to submit events!!! I vote YES.
Jamie Burns commented
Calendar of Events (not just my events) Ability to post events being held by members
Rick Smith commented
Perfect. Lets do it.
Anonymous commented
Still not implemented...?
deserie commented
Has this item been implemented? I do not see an option for member-driven events.
br commented
I am so in need of members being allowed to submit their own events!!! I know it's being worked on, but please finish it soon!!!
It's very important to two of the three Wild Apricot sites that a few of us have set up for non-profits in Colorado. That's our wish for the New Year!
I know it's been sitting in Design Ready for months. But I really want it now!
Thanks for all the work you put into your company for us.
Greg Hamilton commented
ability to provide ability to create, edit, view events details without being an administrator.
or better yet, allow administrative rights to be assigned to a group. We are finding the limit to 10 administrator be impacting. Most of our admins need the ability to create/edit/view events
Scot McConnachie commented
While organizers/administrators may have a common idea of what they mean when the they set up an event, when you start taking information from the members you can no longer rely on a common set of an assumptions about what constitutes an event. Also there can be a lot of supporting information surrounding an event and that information can be unique to each organization or event.
We run 3-day conferences that host 400+ event sessions at the conference (you might call our events "sub-events" as by registering for the conference one then becomes eligible to host events and to register for the events at the conference). Almost all of the events at the conference are submitted to us by our members, and are reviewed, edited and approved by administrators. For organizations such as ours to consider using your system at our conference we would need the following features:
1) An event approval workflow along the lines you outlined above where the control over the content eventually transfers to an administrator, after which the member can propose changes or cancellations but they are signed off by an administrator. I would hope that a Wild Apricot workflow would be designed to be more flexible than what I have described above but that this would be one option that we could choose within the set of workflow options that WA would provide. I would also hope that such a workflow would allow for a log of changes and for a listing of internal comments associated with an event proposal, similar to what you have for invoicing.
2) At our largest conference we have found it necessary to organize our events into departments, standardized time blocks (which are the same across departments), and sub-categories of event type. Thus we are typically displaying events by departments (we call them Event Areas) and time blocks both in our program and online. Currently the only way that we would add such data to an event using the Wild Apricot system would be to use the existing meta-tag system with carefully designed tags and event calendar gadgets carefully designed to capture events with particular matching tags. However there is a problem here: under the current proposal no tags are visible to the person proposing the event, nor is the meaning of the tag apparent. For this problem I am proposing that we allow administrators to define a user interface for the members' event proposal form where there are preset options to add predefined meta-tags to the tag field.
3) Frankly, adding an administrator controlled member UI to meta-tags would not be enough. In addition to having administrator presets for the tags behind an event proposal form we would also need options for administrators to define data entry options for both existing (time, date, location, description) and new (administrator-defined) data fields that could be presented in the event proposal form itself. Similar to what you have with contact and member administration, we need to be able to define additional event fields and a user interface for these fields that can be used to enter data into, validate, and to display information from events. Similar to what you have for contacts and members, we could use advanced search and saved search options for events.
4) Member submitted events can have their own management problems generated by the sheer number of events submitted. To treat our members fairly we sometimes have to ration access to events such as by letting out a fixed percentage of slots at certain times while releasing the rest on-site so that our more recent registrants can atttend at least some of the events at these conference. To manage these controls on an event by event basis at one of our conferences would be a nightmare. With at least admission limits there is a need to proration numerical values at one time across whole searched for sets of events as a part of the administrator user interface. I can also see non-prorationed adjustments of field values across sets of events with the same properties such as time, location, etc.
5) Finally, not all events are the same, some are sub-events of a larger event. Currently we can get around this problem by incorporating our super-event registration at the membership level (for example certain membership levels include an implicit super-event registration; only those levels of membership can see or register for an event at this super-event) but this would become messy once we offer a second conference similar to our largest one. I recommend looking at conferences as super-events or at least as sets of events that employ a common set of properties that can be predefined by an administrator. -
forallweknow commented
I am super excited about this ~ thanks for all your work!
I'm assuming that a member would have to be active in order for their events to show up in the calendar, right?
It would be nice to have the capability with all events to create repeating ones, so that, for example, weekly ones wouldn't have to be entered one by one.
Thanks again!!
Rob, we don't have this assigned to a release yet. But once we do the status of this feature will be updated and you'll receive a notification.