Automatically update existing links when page is renamed, document or picture is moved
It would be helpful if all existing links within a web site are automatically modified when one changes the name of a page. This would avoid broken links. Thanks

Roger Brooks commented
An easier and more robust solution to this problem is described here:
Another useful feature in this connection would be: -
Karen Halbert commented
This is a critical feature that should be implemented. We are about to go through a file system re-organization and this would break all the links from the website pages. Is there any plan for implementing any feature that would support both: a list of all references to the files and a way to have the reference follow the location of the new file (similar to how you do this with web Site Pages). Also the suggestion of the use of aliases might allow us to change the references from development to production versions for example
Craig Haydock commented
I too would very much like this feature added. Other CMS platforms I've used will auto-update links when an object is changed. Or, if an object is being removed the CMS will warn you that doing so would break links on XX pages and let you either fix the links prior to or removing the object, or just remove the object and deal with the broken links later. Going along those same lines... the CMS has a separate report section which shows which links (at least internally) are broken and need to be corrected.
As others have indicated, many other CMS platforms deal with objects by ID in a database rather than via file storage system style which is so easily broken and difficult to maintain at scale. Another key advantage to DB ID rather than by name is the ability to use aliases and dynamically create content objects based of of queries that the user/visitor may give. (but, please, whatever you pick to use... don't use something based on SQL... you are just asking for a mountain of security issues with SQL injection attacks. Pick a no-SQL DB).
[Deleted User] commented
I had a similar request. The main/only value is in file/folder structure clean-up. When new *****'s work with the website they want to modify the file structure and naming of files/folders. If they move or rename files or folders in anyway all links to the file are broken. Allowing the links to the files on the web pages to maintain their link would save the effort of re-linking files after file/folder restructuring. This may be a lot of work but the following is what is causing this problem on our website:
When an Admin uploads a file from a webpage, WA picks either a default folder or the last used folder to store the file. If there was someway to make the Admin pick a folder to store the file, less files would be loaded into errant folders. WA does allow the Admin to pick the folder but it doesn't make the person do that. My current instructions to the Admins: Confirm where the file is going to be stored when uploading to avoid having to move it and re-linking it later. Some way to alert them to do this would help with those to busy to pay close attention. Since storing a file in the wrong folder is still functional, the problem doesn't show-up up right away.
Jennifer Rubenstein commented
I would like to be able to move a file to a different folder without breaking the link on the website.
Moved the suggestion from General to Wishlist and manually added votes from those who commented before.
Bobbi McElroy commented
Make the filing system more intuitive. Enable renaming folders and moving files without having to reconnect the photo/document on the website. One shouldn't have to keep a separate list to identify site albums by name vs. the current assignment of an arbitrary number. Please.
Connie Clem commented
Yes! I'd like to be able to move graphics to a new subfolder without going out to WebDav. And be sure the links to them won't break.
Ditto for document files, etc.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you take me through your scenario in more detail? I am not sure I am getting what exactly you are doing and how you want system to behave.
IAP2 USA commented
It would be wonderful to have a broken link checker for WA sites.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We also need to to consider page friendly url change - if there is a link on any other page using old friendly url it will be broken after its updating.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Very good point, thanks!
Toni Troop commented
Given that this is a CMS system we would have expected that when a document is moved to a different folder or if the folder is renamed that the link would automatically be updated. This would be an incredibly helpful feature.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Normally links to web pages use page ID which does not change when page is renamed - so old links still work. The only exception to this is if you use custom URLs - then inserted links use those and they do get broken when custom URL is renamed. Is that the situation you referred to?
Alan Churchill commented
I would like to be able to drag and drop files (more than 1 at a time) to a new folder and have WA automatically update the links in the system.