Make anti-spam captcha OPTIONAL for log in.
Our site fortunately doesn't have issues with bots, so why does the captcha have to appear for all users to log in? Why wasn't this made optional, so admins can enable/disable it as it suits their organization's needs? Do you know our members or public visitors better than we do?
I understand the need for an anti-spam captcha function, but "one size fit all" DOES NOT WORK for everyone. Our members are complaining about this, and frankly for members who regularly log into the site, it insults their intelligence. What kind of user experience is that???

John commented
We find captcha to be a real problem for our older membership. Both visual and audio options can be difficult for this population. It is a real deterrent to our members and keeps them from both accessing the website for information and renewing their membership.
From an end-user standpoint, they would be in favor of eliminating it or at least making it "easier" by only having to select one picture or at least tell them how many are left to select.
From a more technical point of view, I would think that WA could implement at more current version of captcha which does not create "user friction"....they simply don't know it is there.
This issue is costing our association fees, membership, and most important, service to our members. I would have to imagine it is impacting every Wild Apricot customer to some degree.
Kristen commented
Many of our members are elderly and foreign and are having extreme difficulty with this task. I have two membrs who also say no matter what they do they are presented with more "visual puzzles" over and over again. And we have a number of visually impaired members who also struggle with this.
Heather May commented
Captcha is not effective. Please refer to this Washington Post article - Tired of proving you’re not a robot? Say goodbye to Captcha boxes. Pick all the bicycles in this picture? (Insert your screams.) -
brendastreed commented
I think it is turned off if the user selects "Remember Me" when logging in.
Glenn Brodie commented
Eliminate the customer unfriendly "I am not a Robot" reCaptcha task by upgrading to reCaptcha V3 which is invisible:
Our members object strongly to the task and end up not logging into our site meaning we have to rely on hidden pages with links for many pages that should be behind a login. I run 3 separate sites - all have the same objection that is solvable.