Export email failures and delivered information to Excel
It would be nice to be able to export (email log) results for failures and delivered emails. Then I would be able to provide information on WHO received, opened and clicked on an email. This would help with getting 'failures' fixed too.

Good news out there!
Export email failures and delivery information is out there with our latest 7.21 release.
See more information in release notes https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1827-version-7-21-release
Claira Stollfus commented
I would like to be able to export the delivered and falied lists from emails that have been sent. There are times when we need to report or use the list of successful delivered emails.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Agreed. This is an important part of marketing and Customer Relationships. And it's not just that we may want to follow up with people who have expressed interest by viewing an email. Sometimes following up with people who have NOT opened an email is even more important.
For example, we just emailed all our members regarding a very important issue that they should all be made aware of. Those who did not view the email will need to be contacted by phone. But to give our volunteers a list of those 90 people with their phone numbers, we will have to go to each record and copy/paste the number(s) into a document manually. That just isn't sane.
BTW, there are several wishes regarding the need to display or download manual email log data. Each has a few votes. This capability would have more votes, and perhaps get rolling, if you somehow consolidated them.
Aaron Seib commented
I'd like to be able to export the list of members who've opened an email sent to them out of WildApricot. I can figure out how to export the log but that isn't what I want. I sent an email to 9000 members of whom about 600 opened the email on a Sunday. I'd like to be able to analyze who opened the emails in excel.
Ray Martini commented
I agree that this capability would be extremely helpful for producing my "productivity" reports regarding the website.
Lee Anne Stone commented
Enhancement Request for the Email Log -- I need the ability to export the details of a single email. I need to document WHO opened, WHO clicked, AND WHO has NOT opened the email; most needed for Blast emails.
Vicki Ellis commented
Please provide an export function inside the email log, so we can follow-up on email campaigns. We would like to contact individuals that show an interest in our group, but have not yet joined. We could find out what prevents them from joining, what functions we could add to our group that would help them decide to join, etc.
We can currently use contacts --> advanced search and export that list, but even with all of the filters, we cannot duplicate the email log lists.
It makes sense to have an export button available for sent emails listed in the log. That would be direct and efficient.
Thank you ;)
Vicki Ellis