With Safari for MacOS High Sierra and iOS 11, a new option to prevent cross-site tracking created.
Need to upgrade all WA widgets from iFrame. Right now, with Safari for MacOS High Sierra and iOS 11, a new option to "prevent cross-site tracking," was created. This prevents the user from using any of the WA widgets embedded in a website.

We fixed issue in 8.5 release.
All embedded widgets should be working correctly
Lawrence Roberts commented
Has this issue been fixed? My chat script, attached, indicates not, and not date given for a fix? If not, I need to speak, with someone ASAP.
Tom Hanley commented
Shocked that this is still an issue, likewise if this isn't resolved by end of August we will have to shift to another system.
Simona commented
When is this going to be fixed? One delay after another, very disappointing. This is preventing many members from signing up for the membership, events and other services; and causing huge headaches for the managers to the point where most of the time we are now invoicing outside of wild apricot (directly through stripe). If wildapricot tools are not setup for proper use, we might as well find a different provider.
Tom Kovach commented
What is the status of this fix?
Rahuel Preciado commented
Hi Michael, it sounds like you got this working with a subdomain but according to WA support the subdomain won't fix the issue. Have you actually done this and can verify that it worked for you? I was told that even with a subdomain the <IFRAME code would still use the wildapricot.org domain and therefore would still have cross browser compatibility issues but honestly the support agents don't seem to be experts on this topic so if you did it and it works for you I would love to know this and if that's the case would you mind sharing your website url. Thank you.
Tom Kovach commented
The sooner the better. This is a big roadblock for potential revenue for many of us.
Michael commented
Hello Oleg, it looks like this was not fixed in the 7.26 release. I would like to suggest that users who are running into third-party cookie issues consider running Wild Apricot as a subdomain of their primary domain, as that seems to fix the issue. For example if your website is mydomain.org, then set the WA primary domain to members.mydomain.org, and use this domain for all of your iframes. This seems to have fixed the issue for us.
Michael commented
Hello Oleg, regarding the third-party cookie issue... we were wondering if you could confirm that this should work for our client. We're in the process of testing it, but it may take a few days for the client to get us the necessary DNS information.
We will be serving the client's WordPress site from clientname.org. We manage the client's DNS and plan to create a new subdomain; members.clientname.org. We will set this as the default subdomain in Wild Apricot. The iframe widgets and the cookies should then be coming from the subdomain, which is on the same primary domain as the WordPress site.
This _should_ solve the issue with third-party cookies, right?
"I am getting people every day who cannot purchase tickets or make donations because they get put in a non-stop loop of checking the ‘I am not a robot’ captcha and then getting sent back to inserting their email address.
There has to be a fix to this. We can’t expect our donors/supporters to know what setting needs to change in their iPhones, Safari browser, Apple products, etc.
I have a statement on our event page suggesting the use of Google Chrome but they don’t see that message. People have busy lives and they don’t read the fine print. They just want to make a donation or buy tickets."
Fix is still work in progress. Rescheduled delivery to 7.26
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Simona commented
February is over, did this get fixed? Waiting for an update.
Simona commented
We urgently need this fixed. Like Gillian Schair we chose Wildapricot for the widgets that can be integrated in an existing website. Now every day we are responding to a ton of emails form people who cannot join the membership, register for courses or events. It has been more than 3 years since the issue was raised. Really disappointing.
Brian Ramsay commented
This has been an issue for 3 1/2 years now! I can't believe there has been no alternate solution.
Alex Sirota commented
These settings continue to be changed to prevent cross-site tracking by default. By next year Chrome will set 3rd party cookies to off by default and then we will have even more people having issues with frames. And Microsoft Edge is using Chromium engine too see with Chrome 90 even more people on Windows will inherit these issues with time.
Here are the settings to reactivate 3rd party cookies in Chrome:
Here are the settings for different versions of iOS
https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/iphone/iphb01fc3c85/iosAnd here are settings for macOS
https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/safari/sfri40732/macAt some point the default behaviour will be no 3rd party cookies and the iframe widgets will start to fail in a wider way across many more machines.
For now you must inform your members to check their settings to make sure 3rd party cookies/cross-site tracking is TURNED ON!
Gillian Schair commented
This is a real issue for me and my small company. I spend a significant amount of time responding to emails from prospective members and current members who cannot access my membership page. And Safari is the default browser on iPhones and iPads so this issue is constant. It's bad for my business and truthfully, if I had known about this I may not have selected Wild Apricot as my database system.
Anonymous commented
Below is the response I got on this topic. It is ridiculous that they are using obsolete iframe coding for this solution it needs to be updated to java. With the cost of this solution it is disappointing that this functionality has not been maintained. Based on the below comments it doesn't appear that this is a priority for them. The availability of these widgets was the primary reason I chose this solution so that I could integrate it into an existing site. If this issue isn't addressed I will have to look for an alternative solution.
I had passed on your feedback to our developers and below is what they said:
"Membership application form" requires cookies to be enabled. With "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" option on, our widget (that is displayed in iframe) can't set WA cookie, as third-party cookies are not accepted be user's browser. We are aware about this problem, but this can only be fixed by getting rid of obsolete iframe widgets and creating new javascript-based ones. Unfortunately, this is out of our scope at this moment.
The only workaround at the moment is to disable "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" option and put some instructions for your members showing them how to disable this option so that they can view the widget content.
Please feel free to add this feedback in our wishlist forum and add your vote to it so that you are updated about an progress made to that request - https://forums.wildapricot.com/
Kind regards,
Rami Ali
Wild Apricot: Build.Connect.Grow(Edited by admin) -
Anonymous commented
The widgets currently offered by Wild Apricot use an out dated iframe format and need to be updated to Java script versions. The use of this obsolete format causes many issues. The iframe has limited ability to customize its behaviours. The use of iframe cause security issues with some browsers. Safari with iOS 11 will not work with the iframe widget unless you disable "Prevent Cross-site Tracking" which then lowers the end-users security. Requesting end-users to reduce their web browser security to visit your website only discourages them to go to your site.
Anonymous commented
Is anything being done to resolve this issue?