Better, clearer organization of email templates
We'd like to improve the current workflow of creating and using email templates. In this thread we've collected all the comments we've found about email templates and merged related threads. Feel free to add more ideas.
Here are the most common wishes:
1. Sort templates into folders,
2. Full display of long filenames,
3. Sorting and search
4. Save without quiting

Nalini Thite commented
Can the email template of all Member, event and other mails be the same as the Manual Email Communication template - Drag and drop supported? Currently, the templates are noo responsive. Any large image added to it distoirts how the email is seen on devices. Each image needs to be resized to the email width manually each time. Unlike in manually composed mails via the Communication - Email option where this is managed by the template itself.
Nalini Thite commented
The header, footer should be common to all templates, including members emails, event emails and payment emails. Currently, when a change needs to be done to ALL THE EMAILS sent by the website, the admin has to go and edit almost 30 templates. There should be one place (like how page templates work) where the change is done and it propagates to all email templates sitewide.
Karen commented
also, ability to change the display of templates - e.g. turn on/off/resize thumbnails just like the 'view' options in file explorer, display date last updated etc etc
Sue Singer, Secretariat commented
What is the status of implementing the most common features being requested re email templates?
Karen Scott commented
Please allow for email templates to be saved into folders!! We have so many email templates and to try to sort them by 'type' we need to put a reference at the beginning of the file name but then you can't read the entire filename anyway.
Sort templates into folders - CRITICAL
Ability to view the entire filename - CRITICAL
Search function - CRITICAL -
Shona Bohon commented
Having the ability to sort templates into folders or at least search templates would be such a time saver!
Sue Singer, Secretariat commented
It would be most helpful to be able to have a choice as to how to view Email Templates, i.e. list or grid, and be able to search for templates based on title or subject.
Nancy Seley commented
When is this going to be addressed!? I have to scroll through 5 years of templates. The only way I have to keep things organized is by year/month/topic and its getting full!
Admin ProbusToronto commented
We need a way of recovering an email template if it gets accidentally deleted, such as a 'trash' folder. If you do accidentally delete a template now and it is a long one, there's much work involved in recreating it.
Corrie Geurts commented
Mary commented
Yes, please! Looks like this was shared in 2017, any update on a timeline for this?
Corrie Geurts commented
This would be amazing
Ali O'Neill commented
I would love to be able to order templates into a folder.
Nancy Seley commented
I would love to put older templates into a folder so all I have to sort through is current year's templates and be able to search older templates that have been saved by years. I currently name my templates with the year first, but having so many, some of which I used again, would be wonderful! I've been waiting 5 years for this to occur. It seems like a simple programming ability, so please, please, update this ability soon!!!!
Sandy Runyon commented
Need the ability to file email templates in folders for work efficiency. Different templates are used for different requests and it is frustrating having to search for templates when needed. Although the system can list them alphabetically this means you have to remember template names, having them in folders would allow for organization to know where to get the respective template.
Joan Lockhart commented
It would be really helpful if we could create folders for templates, by subject, year, etc. Please consider this! Thanks. Joan Lockhart, Nauset Newcomers. And please get rid of that question that asks if you want to work on the last saved or archived version. With several people woking on a newsletter, it wreaks havoc and has caused us to inadvertently lose the work the other person dis!
Dan Clements commented
Please add a simple #5 item to the common wishes list:
5. Quit without saving
Maybe just change 'Save and Exit' to Exit and then ask 'Exit without saving'? -
Alex Sirota commented
We use email templates as the actual start for one particular email. So there’s a real template and then then copy of the template as an instance for a particular month. We do this to create a web version of the email. Then the email is created from this monthly template. It would be really useful to be able to even sort the templates by date created. Folders are already possible by moving them into a folder in the files manager so there’s a workaround for that. Of course once they are in the sub folder in the email templates folder they aren’t usable as email templates anymore. That’s just for archiving.
Lyn Channey commented
We need the ability to create folders of email templates for ease of reusing the templates. Too much time spent searching for templates already created! Soon Please - Thank You
North Dakota EMS Association commented
I would love this