Exclude cancelled registrations from 'Event list export registrants file'
I have noticed that the ‘Export registrants’ button in a single event excludes cancelled registrants but when the ‘Export registrants’ button in the ‘Event list’ is used, it includes cancelled registrations. Furthermore, the cancelled registrations cannot be differentiated from current registrations in the exported file
Surely, for consistency, cancelled registrations should be excluded from the event list export file or be labelled in some way as cancelled? My preference is to exclude them altogether so that the export buttons function consistently

You can filter out cancelled registrations by Payment state column in all events export file
Mary Yates commented
I wouldn't want CANCELLED registrations excluded altogether from the Export Registrants operation ... but would love to have a checkbox to toggle the option on/off (same as for WAITLIST-ed registrations). (See screenshot.) Yes, I can filter cancellations out manually in the exported Excel file ... but it's another step I could do without.
Cindy Cooper commented
I really WANT cancellations included, or an option to have them included. I would like to have cancellation date as an option for a field to select to be included in the export file. We have many cancellations to events and would like to know more about who and when.
del.kraft commented
Hi Support Team, Would it be possible to change the reports so that the cancellation amounts do not show up in the totals? Sometimes I just want a quick snapshot and it's sort of annoying to have to get out a calculator to see how much money we have actually collected Can you put the cancellation monies in a different column or just have a separate category altogether for them? Thanks
Karl Hakkarainen commented
If all fields are included in the download, the Payment State field shows the cancellation. You do have to remember to filter this when you use the output in another application or report.