Better Anti-spam Defence (reCAPTCHA)
Better captcha for comments to remove spam

With version 7.17 The Captcha was updated to reCAPTCHA for security checks on all forms, where enabled.
See more about version 7.17:
- commented
It's essential to be able to control use - or non use - or ReCaptcha on every form. The current password request/reset cycle involves 3 or 4 sequential requests - its an unacceptable user experience!
Ang ReCaptcha fails quite frequently "cannot contact" errors and suchlike.
Robin, thank you for sharing this. I already shared your comments with the development team to investigate.
In fact, in terms of reCaptcha behaviour, there is little we can control. The overall user experience, where the user can click, to show the image or not, is all controlled by Google algorithms. This logic is not implemented on the WA side, we rely on Google here.
Katya Tyukina,
Product manager of Wild Apricot by Personify -
Robin Sapiro commented
Interestingly on a totally different site (unrelated to WA at all) - I was prompted to click a reCaptcha panel a day or 2 back. Found there that I could also click anywhere in the panel and get approved.
Maybe this is not just a WA implementation issue - but something broken with the underlying reCaptcha (I think it is owned by Google).
Marion H. commented
We are getting about 15 spam a day, so we also have to turn off our Contact Us form.
Robin Sapiro commented
Just double checked the email logs - actually 12 of these today.
I have sadly now had to turn off the ability for non members to contact us like this.Sort of defeats the purpose of having a Contact Us option
Robin Sapiro commented
We also have the new reCaptcha running on our site as of today (was still the old Captcha when I checked yesterday).
2 Spam messages today in a space of about an hour - previously more like 2-3/month.
Qick test of the new reCaptcha on Chrome - I can click anywhere in the full area of the re-Captcha panel and I am confirmed as NOT a robot.Hmm - really thought that you needed to actually click in the little square.
From what I read - the concept of reCaptcha was that a bot would click exactly in the center of the square and thus be identified as a bot and that then it would give you the set of squares to identify all with a car or whatever in them.
On the other hand that a human clicking in the square would always be off dead center and so pass.Testing same in Edge - where ever I click in the reCaptcha panel - I get the set of squares to choose a few
Firefox - same as Chrome
I think something is seriously broken with this reCaptcha implementation and that it is also browser sensitive
Marion H. commented
Any ideas? We got our new (11/30) update yesterday that included the new reCaptcha. Today we had more spam in one day than in the past two years! 8 Spam messages this morning, using our website "contact us" form that is set up using the WA workaround (that combines the email member form with a fictitious contact named Contact Us). Any ideas why this would happen now? Do we have to reset something?
Robin Sapiro commented
Can you please advise if this is going to be shipping with the planned December release.
The number of spam emails that we are receiving with the current hackable old Captcha is steadily increasing. The implementation of the newer reCaptcha is needed ASAP.
Travis Atkinson commented
That is great news! Will you announce when the new reCaptcha will be functioning? The sooner the better, as right now the old Captcha provides very little protection against bots/phishing dangers.
Robin Sapiro commented
Now this is really interesting.
If you setup the Store gadget and then when you buy something on the way out when checking out, there is a Captcha. And it is the new reCaptcha (the 1 where you check the box that says you are not a robot).
1. This is much more user friendly
2. According to the literature on the web - much harder for the spam bots to hack.So if Wild Apricot already have this implemented in the stor checkout process - why can they not replace the old hackable Captcha with this new reCaptcha
Robin Sapiro commented
The real issue here is that the folks at WA are treating this as an request for an enhancement.
This really should be treated by them as a fix to a security defect.
Probably the best approach is for all of us to start opening support tickets about this.
Sandra Sullivan commented
Wild Apricot can no longer rely purely on Captcha to combat bots, given there are now so many Captcha solvers. The spam emails hitting our membership has risen dramatically recently.
We don't want to turn off the contact us for non members as this is counter productive to our values.
Robin Sapiro commented
So when will we see this new captcha as mentioned by Evgeny 3.5 years ago?
Surely it cannot be that difficult to implement
Robin Sapiro commented
I allow visitors to write to a specific email address and this is protected by a captcha, but we are getting way too many bot generated emails through this route.
This is old captcha technology and is known to be hackable by bots.
Please switch to the newer technology
Travis Atkinson commented
Please urgently include reCAPTCHA instead of just captcha, as your current standard is not an adequate deterrent for phishers and scam artists. Our members have been bombarded with phishing emails that would be much less likely with reCAPTCHA.
Elise, if your member directory is set up to be available only to members, then it is protected from spam.
Elise Kruidenier commented
I would like to add a Captcha feature before viewing member emails in the directory. Our members receive a fair amount of spam, which makes them less likely to want to post their information in our directory.
DFR commented
I'd love to see the Google captcha as its so much more user friendly - and recognised by many.
Administrative Coordinator commented
I recommend improving the captcha function on the website. Spambots have been getting through and signing up to receive email communications from my organization.
Google introduced new nice invisible captcha