Fix the Waitlist Function: The Waitlist does not allow for multiple email registration for same contact
Fix the Waitlist Function:
The Waitlist does not allow for same email registration for several registrants, EVEN if Multiple registrations are ENABLED for same contact.
This is not logical...If I allow multiple registrations per contact, it should allow multiple registrations per contact email on the waitlist too. Otherwise how can a contact save places for everyone they want to sign up for the event? For example when a parent needs to sign up 3 kids to an event...

Fixed in 5.17 release.
See the full update here:
[Deleted User] commented
Saw another request for an internal note on wait-list. If there was a place the person could put a note this would eliminate the need to allow them to wait-list for all registration types. They could just comment that they would also be willing to take a spot with air. I guess this same comment blank could be used in the back-end for admins to make notes.
[Deleted User] commented
We don't allow multiple registrations for the same email address, but would like to allow a person to join the wait-list for different registration types. We sell trips with airline tickets and without. A person might prefer a spot without airline tickets but if a spot with an airline ticket comes available they might want that to avoid missing the trip. We use the order of wait-list for priory. A person would be the first person with priority for a No-air spot but another person might be for the with-air spot. By letting the same person wait-list for both they would be able to be the first in line for either opening.