Automatically change a "Lapsed" membership status to "Active" when we record a membership payment on a member's record.
We had some "Lapsed" members that paid their dues. The Wild Apricot system did not automatically change their membership status to "Active" when the payment was recorded. There is no place on the invoice screen that shows the members status when we manually record payments. It creates an extra step to go back to the members record to make sure it is changed to "Active"

I see no recent activity in the thread, and it doesn’t seem to be an issue anymore. So putting to archive
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We really appreciate more details from you about this situation with member's activation.
Now, in case, then admin record payment for renewal invoice, the Lapsed member becomes Active. So, seems that it works. The question is in what situation it doesn't work? Can you give more details? It will help us to investigate the issue and fix it.
Thanks.Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot