Random order for Slide Show Pictures
Currently you can have a folder of pictures and display them in a slide show. The slide show is dictated by the picture file name (alpha numerical).
It would be great to have the Slide Show start on a random picture from the folder and thereafter, rather than always starting on the first picture. Or alternatively, having to delete, rename or order slide show pictures.
This will offer members and visitors a fresh view whenever they visit the site.
We are happy to announce that this feature released and now live. Check it out. If you will have any suggestions and updates, please leave them on our forum in new topics.
Best regards,
Content management and customization team
agcohio commented
Thank you.
Doug ARMSTRONG commented
Exactly Right! This would make this gadget much more useful!
Hello folks!
We are glad to inform you that Random Order for Slideshow whould be released in nearest big version: Canadian White.SDET BigMax, CMS Team
Terry O'Donnell Parsons commented
Agree! (our administrators use the simple Wild Apricot default system and wouldn't understand Felix's suggestion)
Nicasio Design - Felix Figuereo commented
This can be accomplished via JS magic. We currently set sliders with the ability to order the images as they display [the order they display] So for example, you call the Div ID "Slider" and code the slider as such:
<div id="featured-slider">
<a href="/page-ID"><img src="/resources/Theme/1_Slider.jpg" alt="" title="" height="360" border="0" width="960"></a><div class="caption">
Caption Goes Here. <a href="/page-ID">Tag Or Text Here</a>
<a href="/page-ID"><img src="/resources/2_Banner.jpg" title="" alt="" height="360" border="0" width="960"></a><div class="caption">
Caption Text Here<a href="/page-1720436">TEXT HERE</a>
</li>And So On...
You can use featured members gadget for showing sponsors. See http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Featured+member+gadget
Tim Mensonides commented
For the Animated Slide Shows add the ability to randomly select the image that appears first. We use the rotating images as a funding mechanism to showcase our sponsors. Having the same sponsor appear every time you go the website creates an unintended advantage for the sponsor at the top of the list. Random selection of the beginning image would alleviate this issue. Please help us!
SE commented
Animated Slide Show: Add the ability to have the images load randomly rather than based on the order the images are listed in the file folder. This would allow for more exposure to our sponsors who are listed alphabetically lower in the folder. Our sponsors are very important to us (as I'm sure they are to all your site customers).