Mapping location of members
For trade associations, it would be great for companies to be able to indicate where they are located, so everyone can search for local companies.
then to sort and map companies by their indicated locations, would be phenomenal.

Happy to announce that ‘Members location mapping’ feature is released for all our clients in version 6.11.
Now, with our new gadget, you can display an interactive map that shows where your members are located, and displays information about each member.
We highly recommend reading the setup instruction:
More about version 6.11:
Kimberley Coffee-Isaak commented
We are an artists membership organization scattered throughout the various Hawaiian islands - most members live in rural areas. Having the ability to see fellow members who are near to you would be a very valuable service to our members and help us meet one of our core goals-build community among craft artists throughout the state. Zip code info is fine (vs full addresses).
Dana Robb commented
My clients are clamoring for this and, for at least one, it's close to being a deal breaker. I would hate to see them leave because of this one feature... and would love to be able to tell them it's on the horizon for 2017. The functionality that they want is not complicated. A visitor to the site would enter a zip code in the (in our case) lawyer search box, select an option for how many miles away, get results. Please and thank you!!
Anonymous commented
Yes, This could be very convenient way for students and their parents/guardians. Chose a music teacher near to them.
Lynda T. commented
Map of Registered Music Teachers would be a great idea. Nearest intersection would be the most helpful in locating a teacher close to home.
Francine Regaudie-McIsaac commented
Great idea!
Anonymous commented
I would not want my personal home address located on the map, but not everyone knows where my little town is. I would recommend location by postal code. It is safe, and still provides a general area for new students to find a teacher close by.
Anonymous commented
I like this idea.
- commented
I accept
Anonymous commented
Excellent idea. I am for that
Anonymous commented
Great idea
Sonya Kalverda commented
Good idea
Gloria Cote commented
Good idea.
Alessandra Matthews commented
Ok. I hadn't thought of Admins vs. individual members voting. I know our many members would really appreciate this feature. I'll wait to hear.
Alessandra Matthews commented
Also, you mentioned how we would envision a solution to this. For us, the map would have to be integrated with our member directory (and should update when the directory is updated). This means that any member whose profile is not made public should not appear on the map (as they do not appear in the directory either). Also, some members choose not to indicate their exact address and prefer a closest intersection or area. If the plotted location can link back to the member's profile that would be very excellent as well.
Thank you, Alessandra - this what I kind of suspected. Good try :)
Current system we use for collecting customers wishes (this one) does not really allow us to easily distinguish voices from one or many different wild apricot accounts. Our assumption is that usually admins are voting here, less members.
I will keep it here for now, but I cannot promise that we can take it in due one particular organization pressing needs. But I do love your efforts to reach to your members and increase its priority - this deserves something good in return. After all, we are here to help our members, right?
Alessandra Matthews commented
Evgeny there have been many votes recently as our organization (ORMTA) would very much like this feature for our website. We have emailed our teachers and asked them to vote, hoping Wild Apricot will consider looking at this as it would be an extremely useful tool for us. We have teachers located throughout all of Ontario and prospective students often search for music teachers based on their location.
Connie Kennedy commented
good feature
Anonymous commented
I think that it is okay to add postal codes but not the exact address.
I'm very suspicious about recent surge of activity in this particular idea, with very short comments like "Yes".
I was checking internally and almost all of recent positive comments are coming emails/people that never voted for anything else before. I'm still trying to analyze if this is some kind of cheating or not.
I'd like to ask anyone who voted in the recent month with short and simple "yes" to make another comment with more elaborated comment on why you need this and how do envision your solution for this problem. When you say "yes", do you say yes to the way it was described in the idea description? Or do you mean something else?
If no comments are coming back, there is a probability that I'll remove the latest votes from this idea.
Anonymous commented