Bulk import/uploads of file attachments, like member ID photos.
I'm converting to Wild Apricot, and have over 700 members to add to the database. I can upload everything from a spreadsheet except their ID photos, which have to be uploaded one at a time using the GUI. I would like the ability to include a column in the upload data spreadsheet that can contain the URL paths to the photo for each member, and have the photos uploaded with the rest of the data. Yes, this will make the upload take much longer, but not nearly as long as manually loading over 700 pictures.

MIID Secretariat commented
Allowing the Administrator to bulk update membership profile documents submission for existing members
Roger Brooks commented
I just noticed that there is an overlapping request:
"Bulk upload of member profiles" (https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/10917621-bulk-upload-of-member-profiles) which was created just a couple of months after this one.
In particular, Jeff's comment in that thread from Dec. 2015 describes just what I am looking for. -
Roger Brooks commented
We are importing members from a previous website, which conveniently provides links to the member photos in its CSV or Excel exports. Unfortunately, Wild Apricot does not appear to support their import. The only alternatives I see are:
1. require all of the migrated members to (re-)submit a photo
2. export all of the member photos from our old website and attach them one by one to the new member profiles.
Needless to say, I am not enthusiastic about either of these options. Can't Wild Apricot load the photos from the provided URLs during the import process? -
Bryan commented
I just went through process of importing over a hundred members. The import process is fairly straightforward; the key is to curate your Excel or other file to prepare it for import.
Unfortunately, the member photos needed to be added to EACH INDIVIDUAL RECORD - ONE AT A TIME. This was very tedious and frustrating, took a couple of hours because of the slow interface. There's got to be a better way! -
Lee Anne Stone commented
I need a way to export profile photos with the profiles. One of my websites is a Class Reunion site, we need the fully-functioning Group Plan for 250 for about six months every five years. We are a shoe-string, volunteer group with very meager funds--we can't afford a paid site all the time.
Our reunion was last week, I'm currently adding photos and videos to pages for everyone to view. In four weeks I need to export the database and delete all but the core committee. We will change to a "Free (with Ads)" site for the next four and one-half years. We probably will not need any "member" pages. All pages will be Public -- no login required.
How can I save the photos WITH EACH PROFILE -- one high school and one current? -
Sebastian Aranguibel commented
There should be a method of importing image files (e.g. logos) in bulk - specifically speaking, there should be a method available to assign them to individual members using CSVs or some other method, like user IDs.
I mention this because another application, Business Directory Plugin for Wordpress, allows that function, and I think it would help WA's directory become even more useful.
Debborah Kerr commented
We also need to be able to print member ID cards - so exporting some key contact details PLUS their profile picture.
Doug Miles commented
Would also be good to have a bulk import of profile pictures in the same way when migrating data.
Chris commented
We would like to have the ability to perform a mass import of member photos as .jpg (or other) images, associating them with a member record by an identifier OTHER THAN User Id. For example, coming from another system, we would like to be able to use the old Member Number to link existing Members with photos being imported, using the old Member Number in the filename.. Each record in the import file would contain a single .jpg image in the format (member number).jpg.
Sean Gray commented
I agree with this, I have a customer that wants to the exact same thing, but with almost 6000 members. I can't imagine the time it will take to do these one by one, and this seems to be their only hangup with wanting to switch to Wild Apricot..
Shahbahram Pooladzandi commented
Looking for an automated way to export all profile pictures into a directory with Member ID number as their file name.
This is to be able to issue picture ID cards to members.