Bulk upload of member profiles
Bulk upload of member images, very useful for organizations that are converting to WA and have a lot of images toupload.

Sounds interesting, collecting comments.
Roger Brooks commented
Anyone interested in this may also be interested in the earlier request:
"Enable bulk uploads of member ID photos." (https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/10482414-enable-bulk-uploads-of-member-id-photos). -
lhorvat2 commented
In my 55+ community many members have limited knowledge of digital photos. I often take profile-type photos at activities; I upload them to each profile later. Even 20-25 profiles takes quite a bit of my time add their photo. If, by adding the User ID to the photo, I could streamline the process that would be a lot of help.
Jeff commented
Other software I have seen does this by including a field in the upload spreadsheet file that contains the full path to the photo to be uploaded for each record. The software understands that if it finds data in the spreadsheet for a photo field in the DB, it's looking at the path and goes there to upload the photo.