Gamify Member's site participation
Gamify the activity of the members, please.
A point system could be set for contributions to the site. ie. New member 100 points.
posting from website to social media 10pts
leading a new event 100 pts
attending an event 25pts
taking a survey 10 pts
contributing content 25 points.... and so on.
The points that members rack up are applied to advancement of levels, recognition, and perhaps rewards or prizes.
Members can see a Leaderboard and their ranking on that board.
I know that gamifying the participation of members will increase the participation and help identify and recognize emerging leaders. This approach has a strong appeal to those of the Millennial generation and those that use a lot of social media.
It would be a great asset to Wild Apricot !

Very interested. I would love to know how many organizations are considering something similar.
Dean commented
Non-profit "volunteering" is a challenging aspect. It's EASIER if an individual is self-driven (more organic) to help an organization. It's HARDER if someone is "volun-told" to do something (viewed as "drudgery work"). Gamification is a nice way to build up the "non-tangibles" (instant recognition, self-gratification, self-motivation) that one BUILDS UP from the get-go. MY CONCERN: I see that this topic is already 4 years old...any progress? MY SUGGESTION: I've been looking at "FOREST-Stay Focused" (your progress helps plant a new tree) as well as CLICK-UP. MY GOAL: Make Wild Apricot the "home-base" for these self-improvement apps (time-management, project-driven, etc) so that struggling non-profit members (*ahem* COUGH-"LAZY"-COUGH *ahem*) can feel productive in their Work-and-Life routines.
Nope, we're focusing on top voted items now. You can check what we're busy with if you filter by status work in progress.
Moxie commented
Any updates to gamify/point system becoming available soon?
Moxie commented
Yes, Gamify! We would also benefit from gamify participation.
We want to establish ways for members to challenge themselves and join other challenges. Give them points for being active in the community.Members being able to earn a "badge" next to their name, based on their level of points earned, is something we have been wanting to incorporate as well.
When members earn points they can exchange for prizes, gifts or digital badges...Also a member's profile page showing them a dashboard of their progress. Keep them motivated.
Thanks! -
Lauren commented
we'd love to do this with our organization too!
Natasha S. commented
I love this idea! It would get members and visitors to keep coming back to the site!
Rob commented
This might be something that encourages some more site participation.
This is a great suggestion! Thanks for posting it.