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62 results found
Auto-Tabulation of Survey or a Special Survey Program
Is there a way to send a survey to our membership and then have the results automatically tabulated by the responses made, such as the number of Yes and No, etc responses? I know we can "email blast the question(s), but the responses would need to be manually tabulated. For 1100+ members that could be a great task.
2 votes -
Admin will have the ability to create a surveySurveys are comprised of multiple questions, which are often inter-related or at least all concern a similar subject. Members or guests would have to ability to participate in a survey and answer the questions. Admins would be able to view the survey in the administrative side of the site and be able to see the ongoing results for each survey. Additionally, admins may only invite a certain group of people to participate in a survey.
There are a number of ways that this can be done, and a…
137 votes
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