Application for Joint Membership: Both Members Apply with One Application
The process for applying for joint membership does not work well. The administrator completes the application, but there is nowhere for that person to add their partner or spouse at the time of application. After the main member has been approved, it is near impossible to get that member to add their spouse after the fact, even after I send a personal email asking them to do so. It would be so much more effective to have them add the partner at the same time and have check boxes for items that are the same, like the same address or home phone so they don't have to repeat those entries. We would prefer to approve both members at the same time. Thx.

Debra L Teseniar commented
I added fields on our bundle membership application so the second, third or whatever size the bundle encompassed people could be added at time of application, but of course it doesn't go anywhere but does give the membership administrator the names and addresses, email so he can create the contacts. I agree that most people who sign up as a couple or family just want to put the info in and let the organization create the bundle and it should be a site administrators job, or have a button to shut off the bundle administrator or allow there to be only one bundle administrator for the organization as a whole for the bundles.
John Koehler commented
The bundle membership application process could be improved. I agree it would be much better to allow the bundle or in our case "family" be able to add all the family member contacts during the application process and not afterwards. They should also be able to share some of the same fields such as address, etc. This issue was one of the main reasons for me not continuing after the 30 day trial.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Jon, here's how I handle this: If the husband is, then for his wife Nancy I use the login
You have to disable all emails for Nancy, and if she wants to log in under her own account you need to set her password. But typically if they share an email address they don't mind sharing Fred's login.
Jon Hart commented
We have a similar but not identical need. We have members where the two spouses share a single email address. They don't want to have an email address for both individuals. We still want to show them both in the system as two members.
Walt, agree with you. Bothe threads are about creating bundle or family during application.
Katya, Astra crew
Walt Bilofsky commented
Ed commented
I support this recommendation as well. We have many couple relationships in our organization. It would be helpful for both initial membership and for signing up for an event and paying for membership renewals.
Anke Sieg commented
this would be also useful for small groups of people joining (not necessarily spouses), for which we would like to offer combo rates
Paula Grunthaner commented
I fully support this recommendation. We are in the process of switching from individual to bundled memberships and I cannot believe how awkward the membership application process has become. It is not only difficult for the new bundle admin to remember (or care) to return to add their co-member, but it also tedious for the membership admin to manually add a membership bundle and then go add a contact to add to the bundle (usually the admin has to go back and search for the recently created membership bundle). Perhaps when the admin selects the "add member" button on the bundled membership, WA could direct them to a linked profile to complete instead of directing them to a pop-up to select a contact.
Terri commented
My club also has this need. The reason is that we want to send email newsletters to both spouses. So we want to have both spouses in a family to be entered as members. Secondarily, we want either spouse to be able to make event reservations.
So we also want a new applicant to be able to enter both spouses while they are in the approval process.
Even better, we'd like a family membership where we enter the data one time, and list each family member in the family membership. Can you create that feature in a family membership?
WMBA Admin commented
Would like to see an option to do a bulk add of members to a bundle.
John commented
Hi Team Astra, Yes to both, it would be helpful for members to edit information as well as add family/bundle members to their profile while they are still pending. We have had a few issues with this, nothing major but it would make our lives a lot easier
Hi John, good point. Thank you for sharing this.
I have a question about your meaning of editing profile. Do you mean just edit information (like Name, Phone) or add family/bundle members to their profile?
Would appreciate comments from other users. What do you think if pending members will be able to edit their profiles and add bundle members?
Looks that both restrictions are unnecessary.
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot -
Anonymous commented
I would like this added
John commented
We wanted to see if we could set it up where pending members can edit their applications before they are approved. From what I have gathered individuals cannot add a family member once they submit their application. I am pretty sure they can add them when they are originally filling out the application, but we wanted to see if they could add their family members after they submit the application if they come back a few days later to add that family member (i.e. edit their information while “pending”). Please let me know if this is unclear or if you have any questions.
Gail Victoor commented
One of the clubs using Wild Apricot that we are working with would like to have the bundle administrator add all the members within the bundle prior to the membership being approved. Currently in Wild Apricot, the membership must be approved (or paid for) prior to allowing a bundle administrator to add the rest of the members to the bundle.
As it is a 'Family Membership', before membership approval it is important to check the family member's ages, address, waiver status, etc. as to ensure they comply with club rules.
Are there other clubs requiring the same functionality?