5 year renewal period
You can set your membership levels to review every 1,2 or 3 years (in addition to the renewal periods defined by months.
We have seen a couple of requests for 5 year membership periods. Before we work on implementing this, we'd like to know how many organizations would benefit from having these renewal periods.

Released in 5.2
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
"5 year renewal period" implemented in 5.2 release on December 10, 2014. See 5.2 release description http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.2 for details.
Ian Watson commented
Our organisation would very much like the addition of a 5 year membership period. We have always offered this, but with Wild Apricot it has to be done manually, and this tends not to happen, and we lose out on getting new and renewed 5 years. The treason we like the 5 year period is that we offer 5 years for the price of 4. 3 years for the price of 2.5 doesn't sound as attractive !
Ian Watson
Permacultur Sydney
Phil Pifer commented
My organization has had a 5 year membership for many years that we will be forced to drop if we convert to Wild Apricot. A 5 year option would be very useful.
Gerald L. Marshall commented
Please add the 5 year Membership under Membership levels.
Bill Stevens commented
Our organization is converting to a WildApricot based on-line membership database. We currently offer a 5-year membership. We are told that WA does not have this capability. It would seem that the programming would be simple to add this and any other multi-year possibility.
Debi Curry commented
We, too, would like to see a five year renewal option, as this has been a membership option for our organization for many years.
Or better yet, why not allow a "custom" renewal period, so that each organization can choose the option that suits their needs best??
dbhunt commented
We actually have a six-year membership for our association. Why not make the renewal period option as flexible as possible - instead of only 1,2,3 years, just allow whatever time frame we prefer?
Thank you for considering.
MPA commented
Yes, we absolutely need the 5-year renewal level now....and in the future, we may even offer longer terms (such as 7, and 10-year). Please move this to the top of the wish list!
anonymous_96.44.245.50 commented
Add one more request for this 5 year feature.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for comments, this is still in queue.
Alma Ayala commented
My organization would benefit from having a 5 year membership.
Kathy Staskal commented
Please add the ability to have a 5-year membership level. Please Please
ian watson commented
Would like to include 5 year membership as an option, either instaed of, or as well as, the current 3 year option. The advantage of 5 years, is that offering 5 years for the price of 4 is a better offe than, say, 3 years for the price of 2 and a half.
ian watson
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I believe we need to consider this together with http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8826373-weekly-renewal-period-10559 and just allow to setup any custom renewal period (week, year, etc.)
Dmitry Buterin commented
It's not very complicated, frankly the question is whether we should invest into this particular change now vs. few hundreds other items in the queue. So I want to wait and see how common this request is before we decide on priority.
jgreene3rd commented
This would seem to be an easier technical fix (via Wild Apricot) that a manual tracking system. WA already does 3 year options, right?
taylovan commented
Our organization needs the option for a 5 year membership period. We have just moved to Wild Apricot and will have to handle this by hand until the system will accomodate it. Our organization has been around for +25 years so we are not going to change the 5 year option.
Chris Martin commented
We have a 5 year plan as well, that is fairly popular. We're still in the trial period but really like the site, with the exception of not being able to select a 5 year renewal.
Austin Runners Club
Mike Ranger commented
My organization has a 5-year membership which we are no longer able to use since adopting WA. We certainly would like that period added. Thanks!
Mike Ranger