Report or export event registrations across all events
I can't be the only one doing this. I award participation points for my club. I'd like to be able to see on-line or pull a report showing ALL events that an attendee has participated in for a given period of time (IE monthly, annually). The information is all captured I just need a way to pull it out.
Released in 5.2
VCOMA commented
Yes, this would be a helpful tool to have.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Feedback received from a customer:
What we would ideally like to download (just as you now have per event.. when you choose the “attendees” button, you can export a list).. this what we need, but on a larger scale..
Ideally the report would show all the data that you now have per event in the export file ... PLUS:
Event name
Event location
Event start date
Event End date
Event tags
Registration limit
Event type (per registrant)Maybe a separate report could be or filter option could be:
List of all events (not registrants, but just event information)
Event status(visable or not visable)
Event Registration Status (enabled or disabled)
Event name
Event location
Event start date
Event End date
Event tags
Registration limit
Event type(s)This will enable us to do the reporting we need on the “effectiveness’ of the events and have a more manageable overview of all events (past and future). At this moment the limitation makes it very “tedious” to combine and format the data.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
On events, you have the ability to run the Event registration report. This is a way for you to create a custom report on what fields people selected/entered information into when they registered for events. As well, you can expand the search so that you can, at a glace, see which registrants made which choices.
This report is only available on the website. We've had the suggestion to be able to export this report, the same way that you can export attendees for the event (or members/contacts) to a spreadsheet.
Is this something that you would like to see added to Wild Apricot? How would you imagine using it?
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
Thank you for the details. I have made a note of them so that they are considered in the analysis and development of this feature
agratton commented
We also need this functionality.. we have more than 100 events that will be listed, where the registrations are between 30 - 150 people per event. We need to create reports and it is very labor intensive at this moment.
agratton commented
It would be really helpful for us if we could make an export file that shows all of the following infomration so we can then sort and filter as needed:
-First name,last name (all contact fields, including custom registration contact fields) ie.. address, etc..
-name Events they are registered for
-Date of the events they are registered for (we have many events that re-occur and so the name is not clear enough for reporting
-Cost of those events
This needs to include the contact information that is registered when they add guests
It is not very efficient to have to download from all the different screens and then merge the files, and it leave room for us to make errors in "alligning" the correct information.
Patricia Eggers commented
I agree that this would be a useful enhancement. We've always anectdotally believed we have different market segments within our member database, but this would give us at tool that I think would be very helpful in enabling us to more easily quantify and identify these segments.
Brian commented
If I understand correctly. You would be able to pull in all events, export this entire list to a spreadsheet and manipulate as you see fit. If this is correct, events now become a field then I would be in absolulute joy. This would be tremendous and very very useful.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
Frequently we have people come to us with the following situation:
Someone might have a group of events they want to report on and see who has registered for each event, for example by registrant name in alpha order with events they've attended.We've been proposing a workaround in the past where you export the attendee list for all events and then merge the files, or go to each contact and look at their event tab. Neither of these are very useful when you might have 20+ events.
We've been thinking about this and want to propose this solution:
- Adding an "Export attendes" button on the Event list page (currently there is just an "Add event" button, and the "Export attendees" button is available only on individual Event details)
- In the export file add a column named "Event", where would be listed the event name and date.With this the administrator can use any spreadsheet's filter/sorting functions to either review by Person or by Event.
What do you think? Is this a problem you come across often? Does this solution meet any needs you might have when you want to look at the attendees for multiple events?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Since this is still on the wishlist, this means that it is being vetted out so it is for sure not included in the next release (~ mid-March 2010) and it has about 50% chance of being addressed within 2010.
Brian commented
Thank you for your consideration in adding my request. Please help me understand the timing. I looked in the roadmap but I am unclear on the overall process. Is this still being vetted out as an enhancement or by adding to the queue does ensure this will be added? I am at the cusp of making a decision. If this is a few weeks, a month away then I am fine waiting but if this is something that may be more of "next release 4th quarter" then my decision becomes more difficult.
Dmitry Buterin commented
This makes sense - and it did come up before. We will create an issue in our work queue.