Store Credit Card Information
Please add the capability to use the stored credit card feature of! Our members very much want this capability and it would increase our attendance at events. We need this for membership renewal, events and donations. has the interface well defined but Wild Apricot hasn't implemented the capability.
It would be OK to implement it in a way that your partners could provide us the capability rather than have it fully automated into Wild Apricot.
I hope others will comment as I've seen this asked for in the past.

“Store credit card information” udpate is now live and availalbe for all Wild Apricot payment users.
Your members can store their credit card details in Affinipay’s secure vault and use to make next payments with single click.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Oleg, I see that the PCI SAQ Questionnaire asks us to certify that information is maintained about which PCI DSS requirements are managed by each service provider, and which are managed by our organization. So we will need to know whether the credit card info is stored on AffiniPay, or whether WA is also a service provider.
If possible, it would be better to have AffiniPay store it. They are already in the business of securing credit card information.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This will be welcome, and would smooth the transition to AffiniPay as our members are used to storing their credit card info on PayPal.
Will the information be stored on WA servers or in AffiniPay?
Amanda, this would be limited to WA Payments only.
Amanda Sage commented
THANK YOU OLEG! One question: is this just for WA Payments or all processors?
Walt, thanks for posting!
The request you mentioned is slightly different - it's about prepopulating billing address from contact fields.
It's a different beast so I'd prefer to keep it separate - may be we do it once in future -
Walt Bilofsky commented
Should this be combined with ?
Amanda Sage commented
Still a big deal for our folks.
Another easy option for this would be adding a pay via Paypal option.
Steve commented
Love AffiniPay. Any chance developers can allow members to store their billing information instead of having them input it every time they check out? One would think the system would recognize their profile by their email address and, in turn, recognize a previously used credit card.
Amanda Sage commented
PLEASE! This is a big request from our 1200+ members.
Thanks for comment, Walt
This is something we plan to do as well, but it hasn't got into our development pipeline yet.
I'll keep this thread updated as I have any updates.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team -
Walt Bilofsky commented
Now that you're storing credit card information for recurring dues payments, why not use the same mechanism for event registration payments? Especially since so much information needs to be entered each time (at least in PayPal).
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Are you talking about this - ?