Accept onsite credit card payments - e.g. using Square Up
We hold an annual conference and accept onsite registrations. Currently, we are able to register attendees onsite in Wild Apricot and then we email them an invoice so they may use a credit card to pay online. We use PayPal for our online payments. We are wondering if we would be able to link our payment system to one of these little “square up” card readers that you use with an iPhone so we can just swipe cards rather than ask people to complete an additional step by paying online.

Square integration implemented in mobile app for administrators. You can find detailed description here:
PayPal Here integration was moved to separate topic. If you prefer PayPal Here integration, please vote for it here:
AlisonH commented
This is not a perfect solution, but as a workaround: couldn't you just use Square to accept a swiped credit card and manually enter the payment in WA, as you would with a check? I did exactly that (not in WA) for my college reunion registration and Square was fantastic (especially on an iPad)--everyone loved it, it was super easy, lower rates and MUCH better designed than PayPal. Also, they automatically sweep $ to your checking account, you don't have to request it like you do with PayPal.
Alison H
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for bringing this up.
This is not something we are likely to address in the next 12 months as this would require building a dedicated Wild Apricot iOS application (Square payments can't be accessed by web apps, only by locally installed apps) - which is a major undertaking.
However, this is an interesting enhancements to consider in the future and I would appreciate comments from others.