Hide linked bundle members in public profile page
We would like to add to the wish list a way to restrict the views of grouped members under the bundled admin's profile page. So in other words, we would like to remove the linked members view under the bundled admin's profile details so that it doesn't show the linked employees.
The World Trade Center Denver Team

Released in version 5.12.2. https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Update+5.12.2
Astra crew @ Wild Apricot
Steven Jones commented
One of our clients, a large industry group, has asked if 'Linked Members' can be removed from search results. They are promoting products and services for larger companies so the 'Linked Members' are a little confusing when displayed in directory results.
We would love to have an option to include or remove this information. -
Phil Pifer commented
There is no privacy setting (that I can find) to eliminate the appearance of bundle members in the public profile of a bundle admin. In our site, this is leading to spouses showing up in the public profiles of officers of the organization - which is raising strong privacy concerns. This is potentially an obstacle to our launch of Wild Apricot.
This could be fixed by having "Show Linked Members" as a privacy on/off setting in a members public profiles settings page.
myvpterri commented
I would like to display only bundle administrators on both the Member Directory page and the Member Profile page in the public view. The setting for show only bundle administrator still shows a count on the directory page and linked members on the directory page.
Is there a way to hide the display of linked bundle members when in the public view?
Thank you.