Drop Down Menu for Extra Cost
I have spent about 15 days developing a site for my clients that provide a mountain bike demo event in Moab utah. Our participants can select from approximately 40 different bikes to demo in three separate events. Each bike carries separate demo charges.
We desperately need a drop down menu that will designate separate costs when selected. I am frantically attempting to create workarounds to get over this problem. But it is proving to be difficult.
My clients are very upset with this setback. Is there any way this can be custom built into my cart? Or any great ideas for a workaround?

Edie Tella commented
I would love to be able to create less registration types and have the option of adding more drop down choices to a single registration type. for example:
Exhibit Booth Space Rental
-8x10 space
-10 x 20 space
-8x10 space
-10 x 20 spaceWith conventions and tradeshows there are so many items to sell that when you go to the event page it looks silly and confusing and messy with 12-15 different registration types when in really could be downsized to 3
1. Attendee Registration
2. Exhibit Booth Space Rental
3. Sponsorshipand from these 3 top tiers I would like to be to add as many options to the registration process for the user to be able to select from.
Gordon Stewart commented
We desperately need a drop down list with extra costs for event registration.
We have several events each year where we sell clothing as part of event registration. We are forced to use Multiple Choice with Extra Cost or Radio Button with Extra Cost. By the time we have added a couple of items, each with many sizes, the registration page gets so long that it becomes unwieldy and we have to restrict the number of items we sell.
A drop down list with extra charges would solve this problem. Can't happen soon enough !!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Very good comment - thank you! Somehow we missed the ability to allow "dropdowns" with extra cost - now we have only radio options and checkboxes. Will add this into our product queue.
Gordon Stewart commented
The Event Registration process currently supports sale of additional items through Multiple Choice and Radio Button lists but each option in these lists requires an additional line on the registration screen. When selling several items (Clothing?) each with several choices (Sizes?) the registration screen can get very long. Users get confused since the "Continue" button is at the bottom of the screen and they have to page all the way down to find it.
A "Pull-down List with Additional Cost" option for the Event Registration page would allow us to dramatically reduce the screen sized when selling multiple clothing items because each sales item would only take a single line on the screen.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry I can't think of any workaround, for now this would have to be done via option buttons with extra charges.