Membership Categorgy restictions by age
It would be great if WA allowed the restriction of certain membership categories to be restricted by age. We have a number of membership categories which include Cadets (Under 16), Juniors (Under 22) and Seniors (Over 60).
It would make membership management simpler to either flag or prevent reapplication within the wrong category. Obviously a date of birth field would need to utilised to be able to allow this to happen.

RossJ commented
I also support the earlier comment that an age restriction should be able to be 'as of' a particular day of the year (at least).
RossJ commented
This would certainly help our tennis club. I particularly support the earlier comment that the admin should be made aware of members progressing out of their current level (or becoming eligible for a new/discounted level) and requiring a change to a new level. This is the real benefit. The admin may validate the level at time of joining, but not constantly thereafter.
Ed Emond-Worline commented
I'd like to see a DATE validation option to ensure members are 18+ as required by our Bylaws. Simply add a verification option to the existing DATE filed - something like: Must be equal to or greater than X where X is a number I enter such as 18, 21, 55.
Natasha S. commented
I also have two memberships that are age dependent. It would be nice to have the ability to limit them.
Dale Koetke commented
Dmitry, I have the age limits in the description but still get 3-4% of my members signing up into the wrong group. The age limit is always a little complicated as it depends on the members age as of a cutoff date (not at the date they register). At least in my case, having this in the description is insufficient.
RedMountainMakers commented
I would second this.
In our case, at a makerspace, we're going to eventually be using the WA APIs to build out a pass card access system to power tools and CNC equipment, where we don't want anyone under 18 using that particular equipment without supervision. Having an automatic age rollover would be useful.
Chris Mason commented
Our club would find this feature very helpful. We have a student (youth) membership level and an adult membership level. The problem is not so much that we think people are going to purposely select the less expensive level, but that there is no mechanism to automatically upgrade youth memberships to adult memberships (and really no incentive for the member to go in and make this change) when the member ages out of the youth level. With 1,000 members, it's hard for us to keep tabs on this.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I wonder if this really requires special functionality - to me it seems that it would be enough to include this restriction into level description.
If people chose to ignore it and apply anyway, date of birth field would not stop them - they would simply enter fake date.
Anyone else, thoughts?