Gadget to display member images (logos/pictures)
I would like to be able to insert a widget-like window on any page, or in the header/footer area, that would scroll the logo images from member records.
The window would simply scroll the logos as links to the member. Ideally, administrators could provide a title for the box (ie "Our Members" etc.). Adding search capabilities would allow us to create different scolling sets as well (ie one box could be all members, another could be based on location - state, province, city etc.)

VCOMA commented
I love this idea and was coming to the feed to add it myself! We could use it to add our annual sponsors logos to the side bar or members in a certain region, or new member avatars in general. Please, please, please create this for us! :)
Richard Gaspa commented
NICE - We would be using this gadget on many of our pages if it was ready. Would love to see it happen.
Meagan commented
This would be so nice for us!! As it is now we have a similar function which scrolls through images held on our server of our major members and sponsors.... it's not as super easy to use as the suggestion to have WA develop it and have it integrated the profiles.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I will rename the thread to talk about gadgets (in our current lingo: WA widget: what you use to place WA functionality on external sites, WA gadget - little blocks of content/functionality used on WA site itself)