Gadget Displaying Most Recent Members
The ability to create a widget that displays the most recent people who have joined your organization.
This is handy for alumni groups that might want to put a widget on their institution's website showing the most recent people to join as a way to encourage others to do so. Or they may be running their own site and using Wild Apricot for membership management and embed a list on their public website.
When developing this we would have to consider how to make sure that people could opt out of having their name shown on the list.
What do you think? Is this something that your organization could use. Also, would something like this be handy as a gadget that you could place on your own site?

Released in 5.1
You can create any search, like ‘recent joined members’, and select it as source for Featured member gadget.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We need to release our version 5.0 with redesigned CMS module and then we can start working on new gadgets.
Richard Gaspa commented
We like the idea of this gadget Displaying Most Recent Members with photos and would use it. The only question is - When will it be ready? (smile)
sabojo commented
I like it and would use it.
Meagan commented
We also would like this idea.
We want to highlight each of our business members for say a week on our home page.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Great suggestions Mike, thanks.
Mike Davison commented
I was just wishing there was some kind of gadget I could put on my home page to highlight members. I have two variations on this theme:
1. gadget would display a thumbnail photo and the name of the most recent (3) members
2. gadge would display a scrolling list of all members with thumbnail photos - by scrolling, I mean the list would be animated to scroll through the list - or it could show 3 members for a few seconds, then show the next 3, etc.
This should be limited to members who have agreeed to be published in the public directory. I run an executive networking group and showing who the members are is a big way to attract new members.