Ability to lock key fields to admin changes only
I'd like to request that the following fields have the ability to be locked and cannot be changed, except by an administrator:
First & Last Name
Email Address
Company Name
We are having a problem with people leaving their firms and either A) changing the company name and email to the new information (although the company is not in our industry and does not qualify for membership), B) changing the company name and email to the new information (although it was a firm membership and was "owned" by thier old company), C) the person who replaced them at their old firm changes the account to their name and we have no idea that a change has been made.

Released as part of 8.7. More details here: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/2847-version-8-7-0-release
Terry commented
Currently, a member can freely change their name. There is nothing to prevent someone from transferring their membership to someone else just by changing the name. I would like a setting on the Common Member Fields to restrict changes to an Administrator or Membership Manger. The user would be able to fill their name on the sign up form, but changes would be restricted.
Steve Abernathy commented
This is very disappointing. I looked at the wish list forum and noticed that others have raised this issue many years ago without remedy. I had been considering moving another of our entities (we have 4 total, only 1 on Wild Apricot) to the Wild Apricot platform from Abila. However, this is likely a show-stopper for us to do so. I cannot express strongly enough the need for this in our company. We have several CRITICAL custom fields that we maintain on our contact records that we want the contact to be able to see but not change. Why is this not fixed after many years? Please fix this ASAP.
Steve Abernathy commented
This is a critical update need for our company. We have contact (not member) level data that we want visible but not editable by the contact. Please prioritize this easy fix.
ROYCE BROWN commented
Looks like this has not been looked at for sometime.
Our Membership is specific to an individual that has to meet certain requirements.I have had Membership changed to other individuals- the only way for me to check is to have a separate excel file that I download the wild apricot file into then compare names. This is very time consuming- I do not care if e-mail is changed just not name- if name change needs to occur they can contact administrator. -
Dmitry Buterin commented
Randy - there is no particular technical difficulty. Like all other requests on this forum it has to be prioritized based on relative commonality of a particular request.
Randy Scott commented
Most users will not be confused because most users have no good reason to change their name. If indeed it is a marriage or other event it would be much more accountable for the admins to have the knowledge of the change. Not really sure why this technical change would be a burden in implementation. Maybe you can explain the difficulty with this request.
Randy Scott commented
This should be revisited as the organizations grow it will create a concern. What is the technical reasons that the contact name etc cannot be secured from change?
Laura Sorce commented
I have to agree with this request. It would be great if you could set up these fields so that they can not be changed. I'm having an issue with members upon registering for an event, they login as themselves, then try to register another colleague just by changing their names and the cost of the 2nd person's registration does not register.
VCOMA commented
My REAL preference would be to have the admin receive an email notification anytime a change is made to any field on a members profile but I have asked for this in a seperate post to no avail.
mljohnson commented
Then I will need to recommend that my organization find something other than Wild Apricot!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry, this has not been scheduled into development so there is no date.
mljohnson commented
Can you suggest another way? I suppose that we could keep a separate official database but then what would be the need of using Wild Apricot?
mljohnson commented
This thread has been here since 2009 and this serious problem has still not been fixed! Can you give us a date that this might be fixed?
Dmitry Buterin commented
@Arose - I am afraid this is not in our immediate development plan so the scenario you have described is indeed possible.
ARose commented
This is a big problem for us and may even be a "dealbreaker" in our decision to switch to WA. Our membership is individual based and cannot be transferred to another individual. So what your saying is that John Smith could join (or be a current member). If he leaves his agency and his replacement, Tom Jones, logs in to John Smith's member account, he can simply change the name and he is now a Member..we never know the difference?
Any idea when a change may be coming that would allow us to lock down FIrst and Last Name fields?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry there is no way to do this now but you made a good case and I will merge your post to existing thread on the same subject.
cstevens commented
Hello. I would like the Admin to be able to set control of the editability of Contact fields, as is already done for Members fields. For Members fields, the Admin can set when the member can edit - at Application time, at Renewal time in Profile, or never. In particular I want this for the mandatory Contacts fields - first and last names. Once they are set (during application) I never want the member to be able to change them. Can only lead to mischief. Member could change his name to someone else, leave an inflamatory forum post under the fake name, then change back, and nobody's the wiser! The member whose name he assumed gets in trouble and has no recourse.
There is no valid reason for someone to change their name in their Profile. (If they made a mistake, or a lady gets married - they can contact the Admin who'll make the change for them.)
Please allow Admins to have this control of Contacts fields in members' Proflies. Thank you.
Site Evaluator commented
I agree with adding the capacity to lock those fields, and to further lock the password field, so that association assigned passwords cannot be changed by members.
Dmitry Buterin commented
So you are saying that such fields would be available for entry only on the membership application form but would not be editable by each member afterwards?
I understand the need but I wonder if there is another way to handle this. I suspect this might be confusing to users.
Would appreciate input from others.