Indicating in member directory which members have photo albums
Would be nice to have a way to put a link on the member's directory entry. Right now, the only way other members would know there was an album is to open each profile - and that's not going to happen with our members.

Scott Sirkin commented
I currently go through my members' profiles and when I find they have an album I copy that link and make a thumbnail of one of their images and post it on our gallery page. What a pain. A gadget would solve this problem and encourage others to use it.
Woodlands Art League Administration commented
I found a work around to albums in use by members I added a radio yes or no button "Are you using your album?" in the membership requirements. Once a member indicates that they are using their albums, I then added a advance search that looks for anyone that selected "yes". I then build my membership directory based on the advance search that I saved "Albums in use." It allowed me to filter our of 204 members 34 members who are using their albums to display their art work. It helped the public to see who is using albums without opening all 204 members (needle in a haystack) I hope this helps any one
Woodlands Art League Administration commented
The woodlands art league is in 100% support of this feature add. Please seriously consider adding it. Take Care
Woodlands Art League Administration commented
At a minimum, there is a check box on the membership directory
"(x) album(s) in use" that way everyone doesn't have to open each member is see if there is an album. I'm using as art display for my members so our list is public; the general population will get board with trying to figure out who has public album or not. -
Mia Schober-King commented
Yes, a tool for sharing new/any member photos would be most welcomed. As someone mentioned, indicating photos are available in the member profile directory with an icon perhaps that photos are availalbe. And indicating some place logical that new member photos have been posted. I envision something similar to the Featured Member gadget which was yet another fabulous WA addition. Thank you much.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, sorry. It's in development queue but we're very busy with our version 5, so everything else is just waiting.
KahrenR commented
Dimitry, has there been any progression on adding the gallery as a field?
karais commented
It would be nice to be able to search for members who have uploaded photos into member albums.
With that, I could make a directory of people who are interested in sharing their profile and albums. -
LeaDee commented
It would be great if we could put members' photo albums (with cover photo) in a column on their directory listings. This would allow people to view the directory of members, and click on an album (cover) that catches their eye, rather than having to click on the member's record first to see the photo album.
Meagan commented
Any news on Wild Apricot including this as a feature rather than hiring external developers to create it?
Also along these lines it would be nice for members to add videos to thier profile and note which members have videos.
Dmitry Buterin commented
OK, got it, see those on page 3.
Joanie commented
I just put the notice out to the members a little while ago, so there's only a couple so far. Look at this page. Mine is there, and two other members
go to the page that says O-W alphabetically.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Wow, great to hear this!
Joanie, I looked at your member directory and could not immediately see any indicators about albums, what am I missing?
Joanie commented
Dmitry, I took your advice and contacted Nicasio yesterday about adding this feature. They said yes they could do it, and by last night it was already added and works great. This will make a big difference to visitors to our site looking to hire freelance artists.
Bob, you wanted the feature too, or anyone else, contact Jeff at Nicasio LLC ( ) and tell him you want the same feature that they did for me at for Photo Album notification. Jeff will then put you in touch with one of their designers and get you going.
Dmitry Buterin commented
The earliest it can happen is release 3.5 - around June-July (because next release 3.4 scheduled for March is already in final stages of development and we have our hands full). Whether it makes it into 3.5 or not is very much an open question now.
To do this properly requires server-side coding so our partners unfortunately can not help (somebody like Nicasio might be able to come up with some sopshisticated Javascript hacks but this is very tricky)
So for now there is really no reliable timeline on this, sorry.
Joanie commented
This is really important to my freelance artists' site too.
I know you have a lot of requests, but can you give Bob and I a ballpark idea of when this could happen?
If not, is this something I could request to have done from your partners?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Bob, we are hearing you and I will nudge this issue up in the queue.
Joanie commented
Thanks! Looking forward to that feature.
bobblesse commented
I hope it will happen sooner than later. We were very excited when we saw that we had the capability for members to create albums. We are a national organization for academic book artists with several hundred members and were hoping to offer the opportunity to create albums as a member benefit.
Many of our members create beautiful work and would love the opportunity to create albums so others could see this work. But not having something in the member directory to indicate they have an album makes the feature essentially unusable for us because no one would know where the albums are without going into each member's individual profile. Our member directory is only accessible to our members so it would be wonderful if someone could browse through the directory, see who has an album, then go to that profile and view their images. Without this feature, what's the point? We'll just have to put announcing the album feature to our members on hold until there's a better way to access the feature. It's a great idea, but just needs a better access point.
Many thanks. -- Bob
Dmitry Buterin commented
Joanie - this is along the lines of what we are considering - though it will be still some time before we get to this, it is not on the roadmap yet.