Hide registration amount on Event registration webpage
We have different discounted registration levels that are confidential. We would like to hide the $ amount on the event detail webpage. Can this be done... Thxs

Peter Adams commented
Current registration allows all registrants to see pricing for all registration types. This causes 1) fewer people to register 2) more people to call for discount codes (even if they don't qualify) 3) people to resent us for charging them more than others.
Make registration for a discounted category require a discount code (as is available now), but don't' show the price until they have entered a valid code.Rationale:
This would be more like how airline tickets work. We all know that everyone pays a different price, but it would result in pandemonium if every airline seat had the real price paid for it posted so all could see. That's what the current Wild Apricot is like. -
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
We've had some more requests for this feature, so I think it's a good chance now to see how many people would use this.
I was unable to find the post you made ont he Wishlist concerning this, so I'm going to move this thread to the Wishlist. Once I find the thread (of if you could post a link to it), I'll merge the threads.
This seems like a pretty solid idea.
alobartn commented
I posted, with a bit more clarity.
Fluid Apricot commented
Sounds like a good idea and should probably be posted in the wishlist http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist to see what others think. For now I would just create a separate event just for the registrants using a code as explained above.
alobartn commented
Is it possible to hide a registration type if the registrant does not have a code? Obviously, I realize it is not possible as is, but if, on the event details front page, there was a field to input registration code (with italics saying something like, "if applicable," the hidden registration type would then be displayed, this would be most helpful.
Reason: Meeting vendors and sponsors are treated differently than all others, but we don't want to order them to register as unique members. We simply want to provide a code that will allow that reg type to register (and pay large sums!) without the rest of the community seeing the amount.
Fluid Apricot commented
Unfortunately it is currently not possible to hide just the $ amount part. The registration name and fee is actually a single label (not separate elements) so for now its either show the whole label or hide it entirely.
You could try creating separate club-only and public events. In this case you would tag http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Event+tags your events and list the club events on a separate calendar http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Publishing+your+event+calendar instead, then hide this club calendar page and only give its link when you give the discount code. See also http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Video+tutorials .
Rodney Dunn commented
Correct these are registration types. Present state shows $ amount for each registration type. We need ALL registration types to be available to ALL viewers. We do not need the $ amount visible.
Example - ALL are Non-Members, Event participants:
Early Registration Discount.... $480 ( expires Nov 1st)
Club Discount ( code required) .... $450 (Need to Hide this $ amount)
Regular Fee.....$520
The "Club Discount" is for other sport clubs that we have granted a special discount. This discount is not to be public knowledge because it may vary from time to time or by Club. These are non-member registrations.
Dmitry Buterin commented
These different prices are setup as registration types, correct?
In each type you can specify whether to show it or not to people who do not have access to it.