Provide reporting on member logins
I'd like to have the ability to get more data on recent logins. Currently, the dashboard displays "most active members" but I think a "recently active members" feature is equally if not more useful. I'd also like to be able to see more than just the top 5 results for these categories.
I think this would be beneficial for monitoring campaigns or promotions. Right now we are trying to get members to use the features of our new site or just log in at all, so if we put together a promotional email, for instance, "The top 5 things you can do on the new website" then we could see how many people logged following that promotion.
We do have google analytics installed, but I think this would be more targeted.
Also, I'd like to easily see who hasn't logged in recently or at all to target members at risk of leaving our club.

Joan Wieder commented
We have 300 members in our group. I would like to have a way to know when a person last logged into WA.
CTGA President commented
Has there been any update on this? I don't even see the top 5 logins anymore on the Dashboard?
Patrick Keogh commented
We need reporting of user logins.
High level broken down into categories like last day, last week, last month, last year, longer, never.Then the ability to drill down to find those who are not logging in etc.
Anonymous commented
As I've read everyone's posts it has become clear that we need the tools to track our members' engagement that is not found on a financial spreadsheet. Tracking member loyalty has become the norm and it would be great to be able to assign badges/rewards to top contributors and have those badges accumulate on their profile.
Siva commented
Yes the number of times members logged in is a very important info for us
Great idea for more data!
Alex Sirota commented
This is possible with our custom reporting solution, which uses google data studio. Have a look:
Anonymous commented
Total member login reporting would be helpful when submitting grant and sponsorship proposals. Many funders want to know how much our members are engaging with our content and this would give us concrete numbers to show them.
Wink Swain commented
Currently, the Dashboard summarizes the Top 5 most active users, but a more generalized report is needed to include those who have never logged in. Customer Service requirement to determine proactively if users are having difficulty or are at risk of leaving the organization. Could be supported in the Contacts API perhaps (Last login date).
Larry Mantle commented
Need login and change tracking. Basic security requirement.
PAII Admin commented
Stats would be fantastic, when they visited, how many times they visited, what pages specifically they went to.
Anonymous commented
Login counter for;
1. Members
2. Visitors
3. Total logins. -
lhorvat2 commented
I would like an additional field - Login Date (or similar.) A field that would store every log in date; maybe 6- or 12-month's worth. I want to run a report for a specific date to find everyone that logged in THAT date. Very useful to me (and I think others) to track when an event, announcement, or a Facebook post, etc. attracts attention to our website that then motivates members to login to get more information.
Basic stats: Visits (members vs. non-members), duration, number of times a document has been downloaded.
Lee Anne Stone commented
I want the ability to see who logged in on a specific day, not just the “Last login”. Create a field such as "Login date" that stores the date and time of every login of every member. Add option to search by Login date AND make the field reportable/exportable.
Webmaster commented
Whoops! Posted too soon.... Here are our top two use cases:
1) We want select users (via Group) to access pages with reports posted and as of now, we have no reliable way to see if they are even hitting the page we designed for them.
2) Last Login is not a reportable field so we do not have the ability to pull a list of members/users who have not logged in within the x number of days/months (insert time frame here).
Webmaster commented
Absolutely everything in the original post!
lhorvat2 commented
Include a search criteria of 'login date' as opposed to 'LAST login date'. I want to know how many and who logged in on a specific date - such as a date that new content was posted. Make the 'login date' a selection for the export as well.
Kate Galindo commented
Is there any way we can tell how many time a contact logs in? I'm aware that we can tell the last login date under Contact Details, but it would be nice to know how many times each member logs in. Thank you.
meridien90 commented
Is there a way to find out how many log-ins for any specific day were attempted by the membership? It would be nice to know how many members are actually using the database.