Ratings and Reviews
Is the option available for members to comment and rate/rank
* blog posts
* business ads
* forums
* events
* members
This would be so useful and my our community more dynamic.

Anonymous commented
Has this idea been taken to analysis yet?
Julie commented
I would love to see this happen where one can rate each member depending on the question asked when joining, depending on customer reviews. . Depending on how they solve customers complaints
Adamess commented
Agree. See the post above and see the bug report that I filed. With a few small changes, WA can easily support several popular rating systems.
Adamess commented
With a little help from WA support I was able to add ratings and reviews.
It is a bit buggy and WA has reported the bug.Check this out:
I am using the free version of
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for your comments. But keep in mind, that we have not taken this feature into our analysis scope, just collecting initial data. To be clear: no timeline, sorry.
Crakes commented
A quick observation - Wild Apricot has a rating system (a little simpler than I've requested) for the Wish List...
Crakes commented
Hi Dmitry,
I am evaluating WildApricot and I like what I see. Unfortunately, not having the Rating feature is a show stopper. The driving requirement for our membership site is ability for members to rate suppliers - like Amazon/Yelp/or even better like Angie's List with multiple (preferably configurable) categories.
1. Supplier List with profile/contact info
2. Supplier Ratings (scores such as stars or grade)
3. Rating Comments
4. Supplier Response to comments
5. Sort supplier by rating
6. Sort members by ratings (do they tend to give positive/negative reviews, and are they helpful/not helpful ratings).
7. Admin ability to remove inappropriate ratings/comments
1,2,3,4 and 7 are key for the first release.
I hope this list can make your feature list. I think it is a real and valuable differentiator in the market that will make Wild Apricot the fruit of choice!
Vendormixer.com commented
To add this feature would considerable help our business platform to rate suppliers (Members) before choosing to use their services. Extremely beneficial for us if this could be considered. Willing to be a beta tester for the new feature
Vendormixer.com commented
We are looking to have a function or feature to allow an end user to post a rating of service received. Our business includes the ability for our members to view ratings of service. Examples indicators would include Customer service, professionalism, timely completion of services, price.
The rating would be visible next to each business in both the profile page and search box when companies can be filtered and found by category. A customer can decide what company to use for services based on ratings or reviews
Can you help or incorporate into the functionality? we are willing to be a beta test site for the feature
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
May be it's better to make some changes in WA and allow to embed external code (like Facebook "Like" or Google "+1") instead of building internal rating system?
Jeff commented
I have found that Polldaddy.com has a ratings system and the ability to copy/paste their embed code into various components of WA. I was able to add it to the top portion of a page and right-align it using <div align="right">...code...</div>.
I'm trying to figure out how to add ratings to individual forum posts but so far no luck. I'll try other areas like events and blogs and see how it goes.
ht2151 commented
Ratings would be greatI Users could give a "Thumbs up" or a number rating.
Could this be tied into a user "ranking" system just like WA has in this forum? Including number of posts, how long ago the user joined, etc?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Anyone else considers this important?
Also, do you think that a numerical rating should be considered or something like Like/Dislike?
Dmitry Buterin commented
There is no such option now - I would appreciate feedback from others.