Add Boolean logic to Advanced Search
It would be nice to be able to search the member database (or any database really) by specifying criteria such as:
Renewal_Due on or after Sept. 16,2008
(MembershipLevel = Gold OR MembershipLevel = Silver)
Right now, I think, I can only choose to AND (i.e., Match ALL) all the criteria or OR (i.e., Match ANY) all the criteria -- no mixing AND's and OR's. This is okay for very simple reports with only two criteria, but often not what is needed for reports with more than 2 filter criteria.

Old design proposal, not working on it yet and can be changed if we start working on it –
Steve Veach commented
There appears to be no way to do even the simplest of Boolean searches in the Advanced search interface.
For example find all active members that are faculty, staff, or students of a university:
(Primary email ends with .edu OR Secondary email ends with .edu) AND Member status is Active
Pamela Rawson commented
I would agree that Boolean logic is something that should be standard for every database search. Yesterday, I had to send out multiple copies of the same email to target 70 middle school teachers in different regions of the state. It would have been much easier to conduct one search targeting middle school teachers AND in region 1 OR in region 2 OR in region 3, etc. to find all 70.
Don't underestimate the abilities of your users. Boolean searches have been around for a long time and are not that difficult to use.
Toni Troop commented
Wholeheartedly agree that the current logic for the search function is woefully limited and inadequate. It's probably the single biggest frustration. The and/or/null issues raised above are all fairly basis in most systems. Without this functionality, we have to jump through hoops to get the segmented list we want. Alternatively we're stuck having to create additional fields that we populate and then search on. Please make this a higher priority. Thanks.
Nancy Scanlan commented
If you could at least start with the AND function, it would really be helpfful. We do a lot of direct targeting emails: we have our meetings in a different state each year, some parts of the meeting have an attraction to a subset of our members,.Instead of doing 3 separate member level searches in 4 separate states and combining all 12 searches, it would be a lot easier to just be able to search on level 1 AND 2 AND 3 and leave 4, 5 and 6 blank, PLUS to search on one state AND surrounding states at the same time: such as CA and AZ and WA and NV, rather than a different search for each of these states.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Having AND, OR and NOT (BUT) operations for each particular search criteria is still not something we going to have soon, unfortunately - we are focusing now on other areas (Content management improvements). We will look into this later - this is not an easy change both in terms of development time and designing it in easy to use and understand way (see earlier Dmitri comment on that).
But we probably can update some of our search criteria (like membership levels and status) and allow to choose several options instead of only one (like "any of selected" levels instead of "is" a single level).
mollyschar commented
Yes! This is a big one for me, too. I am constantly having to run two or three searches and then add totals together or combine spreadsheets as a workaround. A common query for me would be:
Renewal due this month
Membership level = Premier Business OR Membership level = Premier Medical
Or perhaps:
Role = consultant
Renewal due on or after January 1, 2011 OR Registered for specific events
This, of course, isn't as advanced as it could go if we could also use BUTS. I'd be happy with the AND/OR options.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting.
The reason we are reluctant to add Boolean search is because for non-technical people (majority of our users) it might make things confusing and unnecessarily complicated. I would appreciate examples of searches you need to run but currently can't in WA so that we can look at possible solutions.
About access to all fields - please email us at support with details
About exporting subset of fields - understood, there is a separate thread on that.
John Dandurand commented
This is a normal function for every single database I have used until WA. It does not seem to me that this should be an 'optional' feature. Lack of this functionality severely cripples searches. Additionally users need to be able to:
* have access to all of the fields when searching, not just a subset for each module
* choose which fields they want to export from a list of all fields in the database -
John Dandurand commented
WA's search features are woefully limited. Users need to be able to:
* conduct multiple contiguous searches (e.g., a and b but not c OR d and e but not f, etc.)
* have access to all of the fields when searching, not just a subset for each module
* choose which fields they want to export from a list of all fields in the database -
maryrobinette commented
Yes, this would be enormously helpful. For instance, when I'm sending out emails to members who might be close to a convention in Oregon, I want to alert people in CA, ID, OR and WA. At the moment I either have to send four emails or select "is not" for all the other states.
Teri commented
It is something on my wishlist.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Paul, as you can see, this thread did not have any comments before yours so for now we are not really planning it in our roadmap - seems to be less important to our users than dozens of other things. So we will wait to hear more input here.
Paul at PEN commented
Any chance of this happening? AND, OR & NOT between each search criterion? It seems like a strange lack for an advanced search system.