Blog post and comments moderation
Is there a way to "accept comments" before they post directly to our blog? We want to let the public comment without having to be a member but at the same time want to ensure that none of the content being posted is inappropriate.
Thanks for your help.

sneha patil commented
I vote for this also -
sneha patil commented
I vote for this also. <a href="">nice</a>
Brian Cook commented
Yes! The SPAM on comments is getting out of control.
Anonymous commented
thank you mp give me an article,
rani commented
Thank you give me a very imp your article,
Beverly commented
I would love to see both blog post moderation and blog comments moderation so we have the ability to have moderation on or off.
If this is not possible then at least the ability to be emailed for every blog post or comment so we can quickly delete inappropriate posts would also be very helpful.
Rhiannon Grebenshikoff commented
We definitely need this feature! As suggested below, a fantastic (and time saving) option would be the ability to select multiple comments at once for deletion. We have hundreds of spam comments on some blogs (some quite inappropriate!) and have since had to turn off the ability to comment for non members as a result. I have had to allocate soooo much time in the last few weeks deleting comments one by one. Please add this functionality soon to save my sanity!
ADMIN . commented
I'd love to see this feature. Our blog has over 500 spam comments that have to be deleted one at a time. An alternative solution would be thee ability to select a number of comments at once for deletion, just like selecting a number of emails to move to the junk box all at the same time.
KW commented
We would LOVE moderation of blog comments!! Where is this on the development priority list? Please say up at the top. I just spent hours manually deleting spam blog comments, and my colleague previously spent hours doing the same. We are considering transitioning this functionality away from Wild Apricot, and that will definitely be a huge hit to our overall credibility of our website and database. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
I just spent 30 minutes manually deleting spam, most of it with words I don't care to repeat. This has been an ongoing plague, and simply not acceptable not to be able to moderate comments when hosting a professional site. Please make this available asap.
Tim Burnett commented
Me too. The ability to categorize comments too please.
And generally an upgrade to 2016 blog controls standards ;)
Sharyn commented
I vote for this also
Helen Strong commented
We are getting spam on our blog and would prefer to moderate all comments before they are posted.
chuck commented
Pre-moderation would be what would be most useful to our organization. It looks like this feature request has been on the back burner for many years and may not be implemented here in my lifetime.
I would very much like moderation of blog comments. Comments that are off topic, spam, or otherwise inappropriate would be deleted and never shown on the site. Appropriate on topic comments would be reviewed and approved.
I am currently looking at other software to get this functionality. I hope to then have the blog hosted on a different system, but make it look like it is integrated here with the rest of our site.
If that does not work out then the next option is to just move off Wild Apricot to get this functionality.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Sorry, looks like this is not going to fit into 2011
iant commented
Would like to add our vote for this one: simple moderation of blog comments would help us a great deal.
worthing and adur chamber of commerce -
Dmitry Buterin commented
Russell, there is no hold up - this is waiting its turn in the queue against a few hundreds other requests, many of them have been prioritized higher so for now there is no timeline yet for this feature.
Russell Warren commented
We really need to be able to monitor blog postings. It makes no sense not to be able to do so.
As they say here in America, "One bad apple spoils the whole bunch." Which means, 1 person can do lots of damage with a BLOG that's not checked and approved as non malicious. What's the hold up on getting this done? Russell -
Sharon Graham commented
It would also be good to enable moderators to move comments to another thread and close a blog post for further comments.
Connie Clem commented
Our association is concerned about spam blog comments. Please add a moderation function that will allow us to review comments before they're publicly viewable.
Many thanks!