Members to be able to submit events
Current situation:
Not supported, only administrators can create events.
Members have the ability to submit simple events which can be approved by administrators.

Even though it is not a direct implementation, I hope this could be helpful:
We just launched integration with Integromat platform, which helps to build automated workflows. We also provide several templates for quick start, and one of them allows to copy google calendar events into WA events. So if you share a google calendar for events submission, then the scenario could copy submitted events into your Wild Apricot account.
You can try this integration by this link
Rob commented
After looking through my admin panel to try activating this feature, it finally dawned on me that it is Design Ready which is different than Released.
I think that the fact that there was a google docs link to the administration helped through me off a bit.
Anyway, do we know which release this feature will show up in?
thanks. -
Gordon Stewart commented
Excellent, Marvelous, Bravo !
This will be very useful, thanks.
Gordon, thanks for so quick feedback.
The main issue with such 'public' file attachments is the proper File storage organization: the place to keep them, access to files, etc. So, not sure about including this into very first release.
Anyway, it is a good point and will include it into our list.
Gordon Stewart commented
Wonderful, thank you so much for your progress and work on this. Looks great.
However, there is one feature that appears to be not present that would be very useful to us - the ability to upload a document with a link to it from the event description area. This would be the same as the "file" icon in the current admin version of the event editor.
We're a cycling club and we like to provide a document containing turn by turn instructions for potential participants to bring on the ride. We use this feature for all our current events and it would be extremely valuable in the member submitted events too.
I am glad to present our progress on this feature. We finished analysis and design stages and now ready to share the result.
First of all, many thanks for your comments, feedback and participation in discussion. It helps out a lot in our work.
After analysis of your comments we decided to go forward step-by-step and start with pretty simple solution. In this solution we tried to cover your main requests.Extend ‘Event calendar’ gadget settings by new option ‘Members-driven events’ – allow members to submit their events from this calendar page by using simple form.
There are several additional settings:
Access only of certain members
Assign special tags for such events automatically
Send confirmation email to submitter and administrator, the person who is responsible to manage such calendar
Separate filter in Event list for administrator to show Members events
Access to own submitted events from Member’s Profile page. View, edit and delete options
After some considerations we decided to exclude from the very first release:
No way to submit event with registration options. Only minimal details, like Title, Description, Dates and Location. But admin will be able to edit such event and add registration types, as usual, if required
No special approval workflow by administrators. This is important for the publication content on public website, but we decided to start with limited access to this option. So admin will be able to define who can submit data.
As usual, to preview our draft design solution, click the link to open the presentation .
Please, place your questions and comments here, in this thread. We will reply to you.
To review the latest development status and plans (including this topic), see our Roadmap .
Pamela Lynch commented
I'm new to apricot and one of the first things our networking group members asked for was for us to post their events. We'd like our members to be able to post their own event and manage it themselves. At minimal, Topic, Event Details (date, time location), and link to their website or social media. A more robust feature would be for the gadget to allow them to manage the details (costs, payment, registration #, etc.) for their own event. Admin would be able to access to edit or delete if necessary.
This is a good membership site, and this one feature would make it great.
Thanks so much.
Pamela Lynch
Kerrie-Anne commented
If its something less official than a formal event event such as the example you gave "I'm going for a ride on Tuesday, who wants to come?", would a forum suit your needs in the short term? Might help to promote discussion amongst members as well :-)
Gordon Stewart commented
We too could make good use of a way for members to post their own events.
One way to approach this is to require the admin to set up a profile for the event that fixes some of the parameters - tags, enable registration, registration form, registration types, emails.
Then, the member sets up an event using this template and provides the remaining details - event title, date, location and event description....
Many of the comments here have discussed the need to have admin approval of these member generated events. I agree that this facility must be provided, but it should NOT be required. We're a bike club and I'd love to be able to give the members an option of posting a notice "I'm going for a ride on Tuesday, who wants to come?". There is normally no need to have posts like this monitored.
However there will be a few members who may abuse this privileged - It would be great to be able to put these folk in a group and specify that members of this group CANNOT use this event posting tool.
Joe_K commented
+1 as well. Having a role/permission to do so, would be good. So you can limit calendar access as much or as little as you need.
[Deleted User] commented
i'm excited for this feature as well!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We're working on design options right now, but the actual release date is yet to be defined. See the latest status at our Roadmap page -
KeithD commented
This is exactly the kind of feature we need before we switch to WildApricot. Without it, WA is pretty well useless to us. Almost all of our events are member generated. There are two categories of member-created events. Ones that administrators "sanction" as OPAS events (OPAS is the name of my organization) and events the allow on the calendar as "member events"
None of our events require prepayment, so a payment function is not required. All of them would benefit from an RSVP function.
Presently we are set up on a Ning network. We want to move from Ning to WA. However, this huge lack is preventing us from doing so.
Is there any sign that member-initiated events is coming to WA?
K commented
I would like to have the option to make members able to publish simple events to the calender. Site administrators could control how, when and what they can post, but membership should include a level of calender/event usage, for example: a sidewalk sale or similar. I am guessing allowing registration and email would be too complicated, so that would probably not be feasible, but I am looking for the ability to hand-off the job of creating small, traffic-producing events to the members without having to make them event site administrators as a workaround.
Webmaster commented
Please get this happening asap.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for details. Most probably we will not be able to do all that, we will start from something simple. Cannot share more details until our analysis is done.
Scott commented
I see that this is in the road map for v5.3, but analysis and design is not yet complete. This is definitely something that we need. Here's the basic requirements we would like to see fulfilled:
* Non-admin Members can add events to calendar (title, start date/time, end date/time, description, etc.)
* Rights for members to add events managed by admin based on membership level, group and/or user account
* Other members can "RSVP" for the event (basically a registration with no fee/payment provisions)
* Email notification to event poster when someone RSVPs
* Members can manage the events which they added (i.e. edit, delete, see/export RSVP list, email members on RSVP list, etc.)
* Ability for admin to convert member added event to "full event" with fees, etc. (this one is not really necessary, but would be nice...)Very happy to see this on the road map! Implementation will solve what is really the only problem we have with WA... -
Sue Henry commented
We would be happy to see this function as well
srcoffee commented
Apparently everyone who wanted this feature got dejected and left. My group would greatly appreciate this feature. As a songwriters association, many of our members are performers and would like to list their gigs. There are far too many for us to manage on a centralized basis.The ability to promote your gigs would be a nice benefit of membership.
The way I see it, this would be a separate calendar from our official one. Logged in members would see a simple submission form above or below the calendar with standard fields. Functionality could be limited. Registrations need not be enabled.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Margie - no developments here. We would appreciate additional detailed examples of how this would be used/would ideally work - so that we can design for common situations.
Margie Mathews commented
I see that this thread stopped in September of last year. Has there been any new development on this issue? It is a request that I consistently receive from potential customers.