Members to be able to submit events
Current situation:
Not supported, only administrators can create events.
Members have the ability to submit simple events which can be approved by administrators.

Even though it is not a direct implementation, I hope this could be helpful:
We just launched integration with Integromat platform, which helps to build automated workflows. We also provide several templates for quick start, and one of them allows to copy google calendar events into WA events. So if you share a google calendar for events submission, then the scenario could copy submitted events into your Wild Apricot account.
You can try this integration by this link
Mark Lang commented
This is the one drawback for my organization in migrating to Wild Apricot. In our previous system, members could create event pages that were in pending mode (hidden from non-Admins) and the event manager just needed to review and approve them to publish the event and make it visible to all our members. We can't do that with WA now but hope to in the near future.
Erin L. commented
A subdivision of Event Manager would work for us. As a non-profit, we have volunteers chair all our individual events. Right now, with the all-or-nothing Event Manager title, they could accidentally mess with each other's events. The google calendar isn't really a fix for us since not all of our members have google accounts.
Web Master commented
Ability to post event recordings for member only access.
Gregg Heggeland commented
The ablity for groups to add events on the front end of the site. Simple events information. Not have the ablity to edit other events, only the ones the individual member can add. This is something I saw in YourMembership. Very cool and they can do it through the front end log-in. Admin on the back can approve or decline the event.
Steven Reames commented
Simple Solution: embed a google calendar into your website which is prettier than what Wild Apricot offers. My solution is simply to have a submission calendar (with a form by JotForm) and then the public calendar I embed. I review events off the submission form and then easily drag them over to the public one.
Members can subscribe to the RSS feed of the Google Calendar if they wish and switch views from weekly to monthly to list view.
Denise commented
I support this idea. We want to be able to support the members of our chamber of commerce by promoting their events but is very time consuming to do it on their behalf. It would be much more efficient if they could post the information themselves and the account admin would approve for publication.
Anonymous commented
I run 3 communities on WA and they all really need this feature.
But — WA powers that be — this is a much bigger issue than me and my 3 communities.
Members/users today expect to be empowered in this way and many others.
In similar and even more important vein — WA needs a FAR BETTER MOBILE SOLUTION for members of WA communities.
Your entire business is at risk, as we rapidly move into a “mobile first” world.
Seriously, WA is at risk of going the way of America Online (remember them?).
It would be much easier operationally for me to stay on the WA platform, but I will have no choice but to roll up my sleeves and leave if you do not modernize essential features such as these.
Karen Wall commented
I don't know if I'm allowed to say this on here but I needed the calendar functionality quickly so I signed up for Teamup calendar. It's only about $100 a year (or you can get the scaled down free version) and you can add it to a custom HTML gadget using iframe and it looks just like it's any other Wild Apricot page.
Amy P commented
I tried this out this morning, and it worked great EXCEPT that the start time is replaced with the time entered. Any ideas on what to tweak? When I look at how the different fields are matched up, it seems correct, but it isn't importing correctly.
Amy P commented
I've been experimenting with this integration, but I can't get it to import the event times correctly. Is these anything I should tweak in the settings?
Gregg Heggeland commented
When is this available?
Brett Jardine commented
Our members are organisations (suppliers) operating in the travel industry where they are often hosting retail travel agents at events such as product launches - often competing with each other for the same audience. If members had the ability to upload details of an event that could be displayed in a calendar form (same as currently available for an Administrator), this would be a great "go-to" place for members when planning future events.
Scot McConnachie commented
Done. Thank you for your attention.
Thanks for such a detailed comment.
We considered both options from the very beginning. The ability to create simple "notes/announcements" in the calendar by members and the ability to give limited access to the administration of events. Such a request is also presented on the forum
I think it makes sense to copy your comment there too. Do you mind?
Scot McConnachie commented
Our organization hosts many events with recurring sessions that, on a limited basis, are open to the public. Our typical event will have free registration options for members and the public, the latter of which are constricted by the member event organizer’s Membership Level. In effect, the public attendees are “guests at-large” of the event organizer and can self-register into the event (the organizer, when a member, can also register specific guests as well). Bifurcated event registrations, members or the public, serve as a recruiting tool for new members and, since admitting the public helps events to achieve the necessary critical mass of participants, as a retention tool for existing members. As most of our member-generated events are Regular events, I see little benefit to our organization from the current proposal.
1) Under Wild Apricot’s current proposal, the ability to submit events can be assigned to an individual member. In effect that member would be a Limited Event administrator with editing privileges only over the events that member creates. That’s great so far. Rather than creating an entirely new interface for the member’s Profile, instead I suggest extending that administrator paradigm by giving a contact (not just a member) Limited Event administrator access to the Administrative View of the organization website. I propose the following options for setting up each Limited Event Administrator.
a. To view or not view but not edit others’ events in the Event List (or a calendar UI). This allows one to see potential event conflicts.
b. Allowing specific Visibility (i.e. Event Access) settings when creating and editing one’s events. For example, if a Limited Event administrator is restricted to creating Admin Only visibility events then that creates an implicit workflow where that administrator must have de facto approval to change Visibility.
c. A numerical limit on the total number of attendees in an event (no limit is possible).
d. A numerical limit to the total number of future event sessions on the system at any time (no limit is possible).
e. A preset list of Saved Searches that may be used to announce an event.
i. As a sub-option, limits on the number of announcements to reduce “spamming” effects on the recipients.
f. The ability to create/edit/delete Regular events in addition to RSVP events. For Regular events I see the following Limited Event administrator options.
i. Similar to item 1) b. above, restrict to specific Visibility (i.e. Event Access) settings for Regular events. Because Regular events are more complicated, it is reasonable to separate this setting from RSVP events.
ii. A different preset list of Saved Searches that may be used to announce the event. Why is this a different list of saved searches from RSVP events? Because RSVP events cannot have a separate registration limit for the public versus members. If an RSVP event is open to the public, then the organization loses control over how many public members would be admitted to the event. This might be acceptable to some organizations, particularly when they can charge admission to the event. However, for us we have to ration public access differently since our competitors offer free events. Frankly, RSVP events aren’t very useful to us.
• Alternately, have an option to restrict a Limited Event administrator to submitting Regular events only.iii. Across all Event Registration Types, set a maximum allowed price ($0.00 is possible; no limit is also possible).
iv. Across all Event Registration Types, set a minimum allowed price ($0.00 is possible).
v. Across all Event Registration Types open to the public, limit the number of participants allowed to register (0 is possible, negating public access; no limit is also possible).
vi. Across all Event Registration Types, set a minimum price for types open to the public ($0.00 is possible).
vii. Across all Event Registration Types, set a maximum number of guests allowed per registrant (0 is possible; no limit is also possible).
g. Allow the Limited Event administrator to exceed any or all of the limits set above, but highlight the exceeded limits in red (or some fashion). The system would retain an event that exceeds its author’s limits but it could not leave Admin Only status, nor accept registrations, nor be announced by email blast: only a higher level administrator could make these changes. This would provide an implicit workflow.2) The Calendar interface is a great idea: event administrators need it too.
a. Calendar events could be coded by their Visibility and/or Open to Registration status.
I fear that the current proposal by WA is going to put event creation into a workflow rabbit hole that will be increasingly divorced from what it is really is: a part of the organization’s administration. It is in most organizations’ interest to empower members from the ground up to serve as potential administrators. Let the members see the backend.
sahmcolorado commented
Definitely would like to allow members to submit detailed events without being administrators.
Ian Hutchings commented
Agree that restriction on membership levels is adequate control and overview by administrators is not required.
Would be good to have a few more details that could be added, just simple "choose from a drop down field" originally defined by admin would suffice.Lets look forward to an initial release rather than too much initial finesse
Tony commented
Any idea when this will be released? I am reviewing systems at the moment and this is a requirement.
Nothing to comment so far.
As soon as we take it into works, we will post an update here and change the thread status.Katya,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot. -
Anonymous commented
Any update on this? Its been in the "making" for several years - desperately needed! I run 3-4 websites and all of them have this on the wishlist.