Participation in election/poll. List who voted but not how
For election purposes, it would be helpful to see if a member has voted. Do not need to know what there was selection was for, but of the members listed to have access in a given group, highlight their name if they participated in the election. As of right now I can only guess who voted in our test poll/election

Ability to define responses for the poll, anonymous vs. collecting indiviual data, was published with 7.14 version release.
More about this release:
David Schorow commented
I would also claim this issue is not resolved. We would like to use WA to run an election, where votes are kept private (using the anonymous option). But some members are technically challenged and won't be able to vote with an online system. We let those members vote with paper ballots. But we need to make sure they have not voted online.
Similarly, I'm sure we'll get the case where some member will claim the online voting didn't work but we'll need to check whether they actually successfully submitted an online vote.
administrator commented
I would have to disagree that this is "resolved".
Being able to see who voted and not how is a CRITCAL feature when there is a requirement to hold a secret ballot which is typically the case when a poll is being used to conduct an election.
For large organisations it is also ESSENIAL to be able to export such a list as collecting very large numbers of screenshots is not practical and not searchable.
Release 7.14 only goes part of the way towards improving the situation but we need these 2 features. -
GGTC Web Director commented
I like this idea, but I'd also like to see who voted what.
Ed Emond-Worline commented
Would like to see an option to see who voted by name only on certain polls. E.g., thinking of using polls for our email Board votes and would like to record and see who voted for the question. When polling our members (say for an election vote), would like to be able to click the option not to display votes by name.
Catherine Davidge commented
would be good to know which of our management committee has voted, then non-responders can be followed up! Thanks for considering.