Online Forms
Incorporate form design and submission functionality. This would help clubs automate some administrative processes.

Becky Parsons commented
I need this also! Our board has asked me to create for people to order and pay for our T-shirts online in advance of an event we are having in April - so that they can receive their ordered shirts at the event. We want to give people a 15 day period to order the shirts and the ability to purchase several in different sizes. I have experimented with the event registration process and the workaround required would be just too cumbersome to even think of using.
I would like to be able to create an order form that can be tied to PayPal, that would accommodate this need, as well as member surveys, and other items as suggested by others.
Susan Culligan commented
Oh! This is just what I was going to suggest! We currently have numerous forms in addition to membership and event forms in our MemberClicks account, such as
Some but not all are tied to payments, which we collect online through
It would be super-fantastic if we could create these in WA. I use FormStack and Google Forms now (do not like Ecwid), and I can view results through these vehicles. But this is klunky and time-consuming. PLEASE make this available!
lormor commented
Forms native to WA would be very beneficial to us. We use Google forms a lot right now, for many of the reasons others have given for the types of forms they use, but it would be best to not have to log in to Google separately to create the forms and access the data. We need form submissions for a variety of functions within our organization.
Kerrie-Anne commented
Can you use a third party plug in and embed it as an external widget - try Jotform ( - I use it for a lot of my sites that want fancy forms and non-technical users to be able to maintain them - it also works well as a contact form for WA sites, which is what I use it for primarily, but have also used it for various expressions of interest type forms and the likes
Al Schulz commented
I would like to echo this request. We can build a form using an event but it has to have a date associated with it!
BAWSC WebMaster commented
Having the abiltiy to create on-line forms in WA is critical. We really would like to create a reimbursment form that members could fill out online that would pull their member profile data e.g. address, email to request reimbursments from our Tres. and attach copies of receipts. Ideally when they hit the submit button the Tres. would be notified a payment request has been made and process the transaction either by putting a credit in the members WA account or sending them a check.
Site Admin commented
I will add my vote to adding at the very minimum a basic "Contact Us" form. I have used the work-around, but just having one built-in would be great!
Sue Henry commented
Yes, we would love this feature to be included. We are using Jot form as a workaround.
1. Examples
we use it on our Contact page and on other pages where we need to collect additonal data for examples when we have sponsors for an event
2. Ideally in a Supplier/contractor CRM that is not membership but would be happy for data to be collated and sent to us in a simple email.
Thanks for your consideration
Tom Erickson commented
We would like to see WA add a separate Form Builder comparable to the functions offered by, and be able to integrate it into the WA websites. Most form builders have limitations, such as 100 fields while FormStack does not - something we need for our credentialing renewal process for our members.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Comment from another user:
"Currently we are using 3 forms: contact us, join a play group, and contact the "sunshine committee" (for families who need help from the community). We could use one to ask members to apply for Board positions. We have a link for non-members to request a complimentary newsletter--it used to be a form, now it is just a link to an email address. Other things come up during the year--forms to volunteer for events, etc. Also, with wufoo there is a limit to the number of fields per form if you're not paying them--on one of our forms, I had to eliminate a couple of fields just so we could use it."
Steve Veach commented
I concur with others that the ability to create forms is pretty basic and fundamental for websites. It's something we would also expect rather than use a work-around or third-party form solutions.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Tiffany, thanks for sharing!
Eveyrone, FYI - the correct link to the form Tiffany refers to is (the one she posted contained a session ID so it has expired)
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for sharing!
Kerrie-Anne commented
Try JotForm:
Not as fancy as wufoo, but less limiting and the free account is pretty generous
"JotForm is a free web form builder. For basic usage, upto 100 submissions/month, you can use JotForm fully. No crippleware. No ads."
Unlimited forms, some groovy tools for surveys and all sorts and even payment integration if you need it.
I use a number of forms on my site and have no complaints and I reckon it will be a while before I need to upgrade!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, appreciate the feedback. But creating a (user-friendly and flexible) custom form generate is not a low hanging fruit unfortunately :-)
dsring commented
I support this feature request.
Why? In the most simple incarnation it's a contact form - how much time and effort does it take to code a simple contact form? Not much. The recommendation is to use wufoo... come on, really? For the $$$ that my organization is paying this should be native to the capabilities. Yes, this is possible for free on wufoo. It's incredible - but this is a "work around" on wildapricot. Need an Example:
In a more complicated (and this is a stretch to call it more complicated) - I'd like a contact form to have a pull down menu for contacting different groups/departments/etc and route the email to the person/group. This capability is also available on wufoo - for a fee because it requires rules. Now, i'm going to have to pay a minimum of $14/month on top of the WA fees to create a simple form to route email - because WA doesn't support it. Need an Example: (see Department drop down)
WA - This is low hanging fruit - lets get it implemented and declare success.
Dmitry Buterin commented
FYI - you can add embed standard HTML forms or externally hosted forms.
Jan commented
We also need web forms. Will use for applications to become a facilitator for our program and for general comments. This is another surprise for us–that this very standard interface element is not supported by wildapricots. For us, the data doesn't necessarily need to be stored, but just emailed. Hope you consider this upgrade.
siverd commented
One specific example we could use this for...
We host club sales twice a year and have historically used a form on our site (before we switched to WA) that would allow people to submit an application to become a sale vendor. The form was relatively simple (text field for name, text box for description of products, etc.) and submitted an email to our sale coordinator with all of this information.
Ideally this would work like a custom widget with a settings panel/dialog box to setup the fields and input the email address to submit to. The web admin would then just have to add the widget to any page and configure it.
A bonus would be a text box that could replace the widget once a form is submitted so the user knows that the form submitted successfully.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate comments from other users, especialy:
- specific examples of forms
- how form results should be stored/viewed.