Members That Have Never Logged In
Date field criteria for Saved Searches are too limited. Current options are:
On or before
On or after
This month
This year
Last month
Last year
Is not
I need the criteria "NULL" for a report that will yield those members who have never logged in. Our +55 community-website has many tech-challenged individuals; I want to reach out to them. But I want an easier way (other than reviewing the Email settings and log for each person) to reach out to them.

Requested functionality already presented in the system.
The help page was updated, Empty criteria added for Date type fields.
lhorvat2 commented
Gosh, wish I had browsed through "My Feedback" sooner. This is great news, especially since an answer was available within 10 days. Thank you!
Lee, as Walt mentioned, you can use 'Last login date - empty' search to find contacts who have never logged in.
Walt, thanks again. We will update the help page.
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
Walt Bilofsky commented
There are also criteria "empty" and "any date". "Empty" brings up those who have never logged in.
(The help documentation shows "empty" only for text; date should be added.)