Ability to export detailed list of all Events
Ability to download information for all planned Events, to produce a listing in Word or desktop publishing.

amydommett2@gmail.com commented
Since it is now 7 years since this request was made, and so OBVIOUSLY needed. I will reiterate the request to allow users to make reports on their own events. PLEASE!!!
Matthew Clark commented
Is this not available yet? Seems like it would be easy to implement.
J Buckley commented
This is actually VERY critical for auditing purposes.
Can we have this ability soon please? Currently only work around is to register a "dummy" registrant for every forthcoming event so that you can then use the function "Export all Registrants". Drop this into one spreadsheet and overlay a pivot table and you can get something resembling the report you want. Complete pain in the backside but it works. Can't be that hard to simply have an "export all events" button as the registrants are a granular form of this. Indeed, given the reports available inside each event, you could get rid of the export registrants from the primary report and make this a tick box "include registrant details" in the report output.
President BoardMember A commented
Please add this feature to WildApricot's functionality. It would be highly useful to our organization. Hope this can happen soon!
Karen Mazowiecki commented
Please add this feature. It should be simple enough. I've added about 50 events that now need to be double-checked and having an extract of all the details would help so much.
Arthur Caldicott commented
A management list of events seems like the most obvious and rudimentary thing to provide. Yet this item has been on the wishlist since 2013. Add us as another Wild Apricot customer who wants this facility.
Anonymous commented
We hold 50-60 events a month and need to provide our membership with a quarterly schedule (3 months = 180 events) that they can print easily or save as pdf for reference. Please include an export function for events similar to the export function for membership lists.
Gary Pendleton commented
Is there any attempt to provide this feature?
Clover Hodgson commented
Would be great if we could export our event list to an Excel spreadsheet. Our events are often annual and we just need to change the date for the following year, but would be nice to be able to export events so that we can track event planning activities better.
Ian McCombe commented
We still need to produce a hard copy calendar and it would be very helpful if there was a function to export events - Title, date, time, description, organizer contact info - into a text document.
CVMG web Administrator commented
Currently, Wild Apricot does not provide a complete backup and restore of an account's content. Until that feature is available (topic of another highly supported wishlist item), the approach to backup is to export key data sets. Unfortunately, we can only export event registrants, not events. Please add the ability to export the contents of all event list items.
Anonymous commented
We need printed versions of reports when managing events. Currently only the attendance list prints appropriately. The other event reports show on screen and when you send to print, only data on screen prints, not all the pages. Very frustrating for event management.
Malcolm de C commented
This is very similar to another wishlist item: https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827498-export-event-summaries#comments
Export of registrations is fine, we just need an export for event details (including event organizer)
Fields I would like to see in such an export are:
· Event-ID
· Title
· Event URL
· Tag
· Location
· Start date
· End date
· Event organizer -
Malcolm de C commented
Having an event export facility would be very useful for creating a printed fixture card, especially if the export were to include the name of the Event organiser. Fields I would like to see in such an export are:
· Event-ID
· Title
· Event URL
· Tag
· Location
· Start date
· End date
· Event organizer
Hopefully this should technically be very straightforward -
Karl Hakkarainen commented
It would be helpful to allow admins to export a list of the events, including the unique ID, for archival purposes. As it stands now, we can only export registration information. An event list is only available via the API.
Anonymous commented
I would like to get a list of all upcoming events, dates, times, titles and links
Rowena Moyes commented
This would REALLY help our group!
Events only (like titles, description, locations) or all registrations from all events?
Gary Pendleton commented
We often have to submit events to calendars, we still create paper flyers, and then we like to have a paper backup for volunteer leaders to know what we include in the event description.
Therefore, being able to export (even if in xml format) the title, date, time, location, event details would be very convenient. Being able to include other fields, such as on the registration form, would also be helpful with manual registration when a location doesn't have internet access.