Email workflow: Edit subject line before sending test
The new email workflow is a bit weird: entering the subject line on the last screen while the test email button is on the third.
I generally want to see how the whole email looks in an inbox, including subject line.
I have a draft ready to send today and want to do one last test - I have to go back to the third screen?
Also, drafts are not saving as the edited subject line. I copied an old email and edited the subject line but it is still saving as the old email subject line.

Neal Mobley commented
When I send weekly email updates using a previous week as a template, I often forget to update the subject line, as that is last step before sending. I wish the program would force me to reconsider the subject line in such a case--"You have changed the body but not the subject--do you want to proceed?" Or maybe make the subject line the first thing, not the last, to be edited.
Roberta Shapiro commented
I’ve found the arrangement of the screen when you are scheduling messages is difficult somehow and important items such as the subject line of the email gets lost amongst all the steps required to schedule/edit.
Thank you all for your feedback.
The preview step located before the recipient step because we know about formatting problems and there are a lot of users which pay more attention to a correct design appearance of their blast.
We will definitely think what we can do with the order of steps to reduce the number of clicks for test sending.
Emailing development team
Husky crew at WildApricot -
Phil Anderson commented
I've already had 3 people today at work ask how to send their test email with the subject line in. It it honestly very counter intuitive having the test email half way through the process and having to go back to it later after adding the subject line.
Terry O'Donnell Parsons commented
Agree! It's very odd to enter subject at end (I searched online for quite a while to even figure it out) and a problem because we have drafts of multiple emails. I wish the dashboard still showed above the email - not just a window you have to x out of