Waitlist collects full registration form data
Since waitlist registrants collect only name, when a spot opens up and they are manually registered, there is no simple way to have them fill out the form. Collecting full form data when signing up would solve this, and might have the effect of deterring those who are not really interested enough to attend.

See comments
Cindy Cooper commented
Oh Now I see the instructions and realize we did not know this! Thank you.
Cindy Cooper commented
How is this resolved? That doesn't happen on our site? In our case we collect Emergency Contact information for safety reasons and that is not collected when someone is added to the waitlist.
When you enable a waitlist, you can choose whether to collect just the name and email, all contact information, or have them fill out the entire event registration form. For more information, see https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Event+waitlists#Eventwaitlists-Enablingthewaitlistfortheentireevent .