Link posts and events to social media channels.
Link posts and events to social media channels. Allow them to sync. For example, allow a Calendar Event to sync to a linked Facebook Page. When creating a blog post, have an option for it to post to Twitter, Facebook, and a LinkedIn Page.

Will Strang commented
Wild Apricot is SO FAR behind the power curve for not having the ability to somehow feed Facebook and Twitter. Besides our Folklore Society's WA site, I also administrate a bicycling advocacy groups site on NationBuilder, and even that lame excuse for a platform can feed Facebook and Twitter.
Tim Nott commented
"Add this [event/news article/etc] to your facebook page" would really move the needle for us (
Anonymous commented
With eventbrite it integrates events with a simple push of the button (not as a post) but as an actual event on FB. You create an event in eventbrite then push a button for it to create a corresponding FB event. It was incredibly simple and helped drive up attendance at events. It would be great if Wild Apricot did same thing for FB ticket URL just point to WA registration on event... :)
Brian commented
A thousand times yes. There should be an option in WildApricot to automatically create a Facebook event when a new event in WildApricot is created.
Jonathan commented
What a great idea! Count me in. It would be a great way to bring the folks to our WA site, too!
President BMWMCCACT commented
Agree. WA is great at creating and managing events but enhanced social media connectivity would speed up the process and save having to replicate events.
Evan commented
deeper social media integrations would definitely be useful!
webmaster commented
How about adding a button that would allow me to share this event on my facebook page without having to recreate it.
Webmaster commented
As a social/sporting club, we have a FaceBook page and an Instagram account that we'd like to link to our events. This would make the management so much more seamless as well as save a boatload of time. As an all volunteer organization, this would be a HUGE timesaver since we all have full-time jobs/families to manage.
Michael Good commented
This capability would be a labor (and time) saver.
Scot McConnachie commented
This is a really big issue. With so many social networking options data entry across those options has become either very tedious or not an option.
Dave Hall commented
I should also add one additional note that we maintain a Facebook page for our organization although we used to maintain a Facebook group which I know some organizations similar to ours still prefer. I know Facebook handles events and posts a bit differently for the two modalities.
Dave Hall commented
We would find this useful if when creating an event or other post in Wild Apricot there were and option to check to optionally generate a Facebook event and or post or a even a Tweet at the same time. Currently we cross post a lot of information to both our WA site and Facebook. A one-stop place to do that would save our PR person a lot of effort.
Michelle Wilson commented
we would also love to be able to push the calendar information automatically to our Facebook group and would like to vote up this feature request.
Kerrie-Anne commented
At the risk of repeating myself, although it won't publish it as an event on FB (I, too am trying to find a way to do this), you can auto-publish the RSS version of the Calendar to the newsfeed.I have found the best system to do this. It works well and I haven't needed to use any of the paid features to get it to work effectively. It posts the picture (if any) along with the event link. If your events don't have pictures, or are too small, you can specify a default thumbnail instead.Give it a try - its actually a pretty good workaround and you won't have to post it twice!Oh and for the record, I'm not associated with in any way, I just thinks its a good product and if it helps solve your problem at least a little bit, then thats a good thing! If I come across anything that can convert the feed int one suitable for FB events, I'll be sure to post it here.... Wordpress has a couple of plugins that do and eventbrite does as well, so I figure there must be a way!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
no, not working - see our Roadmap
Kirsten Greene commented
any chance wild apricot is working on a way to incorporate an easier way to get our wild apricot events over to our facebook page without paying for an outside rss reader?
Right now I have to type in all of the information twice.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Not soon - we have other priorities now in our Roadmap
Kirsten Greene commented
Thanks Kerrie Anne. It looks like a good paid option. I guess I'm feeling like I'm paying for Wild Apricot and would hope that they would have an easy solution to get the Events and News (Blog) to our Facebook page.
Kerrie-Anne commented
You can also go the other way and have your posts sent to Facebook using a 3rd party tool such as (
I use it to automatically post events to my Facebook page as I list them - its highly configurable and most features are free - I can highly recommend it!
And no, I'm not affiliated with them in anyway, its just a good product that works...I tried so many others!! Oh ad you can also use it to post to other social networks, too :-) Check it out!